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Grief Quotes

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Change is the sum of the universe, and what is of nature ought not to be feared. But one gives it hostages, and lays one’s grief upon the gods. Sokrates is free, and would have taught me freedom. But I have yoked the immortal horse that draws the chariot with a horse of earth; and when the one falls, both are entangled in the traces  (Grief Quotes) Why do the right wing media so assiduously scrutinize the words of a grief filled mother and ignore the words of a lying president?  (Grief Quotes) It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know whether you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children  (Grief Quotes) All I can say is, it’s a sort of kinship, as though there is a family tree of grief. On this branch, the lost children, on this the suicided parents, here the beloved mentally ill siblings. When something terrible happens, you discover all of the sudden that you have a new set of relatives, people with whom you can speak in the shorthand of cousins  (Grief Quotes) Adults tend to repress their pleasure. Sad to say, I think we become adults only through disappointment, grief, and lies. So of course gradually we become tough, less sensitive  (Grief Quotes) Grief is in two parts. The first is loss. The second is the remaking of life  (Grief Quotes) Christ took your cup of grief, your cup of the curse, pressed it to his lips, drank it to its dregs, then filled it with his sweet, pardoning, sympathizing love, and gave it back for you to drink, and to drink forever!  (Grief Quotes) Every man casts a shadow; not his body only, but his imperfectly mingled spirit. This is his grief. Let him turn which way he will, it falls opposite to the sun; short at noon, long at eve. Did you never see it?  (Grief Quotes) There are persons who rise through grief and there are persons who fall because of grief  (Grief Quotes) When I talk about unrequited love, most of you probably think about romantic love, but there are many other kinds of love that are not adequately returned, if they are returned at all. An angry adolescent may not love her mother back as her mother loves her; an abusive father doesn’t return the innocent open love of his young child. But grief is the ultimate unrequieted love. However hard and however long we love someone who has died, they can never love us back. At least that is how it feels  (Grief Quotes) I hoped that grief was similar to the other emotions. That it would end, the way happiness did. Or laughter  (Grief Quotes) Mother says there are locked rooms inside all women, kitchen of love, bedroom of grief, bathroom of apathy. Sometimes, the men, they come with keys, and sometimes the men, they come with hammers  (Grief Quotes) If they tell you that she died of sleeping pills you must know that she died of a wasting grief, of a slow bleeding at the soul  (Grief Quotes) You almost believe that you will never come to the end of a roll of tape; and when you do, there is a feeling, nearly, though very briefly, of shock and grief  (Grief Quotes) Death is as casual and often as unexpected as birth. It is as difficult to define grief as joy. Each is finite. Each will fade  (Grief Quotes) The fact that grief takes so long to resolve is not a sign of inadequacy, but betokens depth of soul  (Grief Quotes) I believe that, more than anything else, this grief of constantly having to face down our own inadequacies is what keeps people from being writers. Forgiveness, therefore, is key. I can’t write the book I want to write, but I can and will write the book I am capable of writing. Again and again throughout the course of my life I will forgive myself  (Grief Quotes) Grief is a hole you walk around in the daytime and at night you fall into it  (Grief Quotes) Even for the dead I will not bind my soul to grief, death cannot long divide; for is it not as if the rose that climbed my garden wall had bloomed the other side?  (Grief Quotes) The road through grief is a rocky one. Traveling along it requires courage, patience, wisdom, and hope  (Grief Quotes) I have emerged from the tunnel of grief into the light. Life is better. Not the same, but good and getting better all the time  (Grief Quotes) It takes strength to make your way through grief, to grab hold of life and let it pull you forward  (Grief Quotes) I wish I’d never been an actor. I’d rather have been a streetwalker, selling my body, than selling my tears and my laughter, my grief and my joy  (Grief Quotes) I knew it in my bones. That this time was it. I had finally made my choice, and so had he. He let me go. I was relieved, which I expected. What I didn’t expect was to feel so much grief  (Grief Quotes) Grief, no matter where it comes from, can only be resolved by connecting to other people  (Grief Quotes) For you who came so far; for you who held out, wearing a black scarf to signify grief; for you who believe true love can find you amidst this atlas of tears linking one town to its own memory of mortar, when it was still a dream to be built and people moved there, believing, and someone with sky and birds in his heart said this would be a good place for a park  (Grief Quotes) In order to weep, I had descended to the realm of the dead themselves, to their secret chambers, led by the invisible but soft hands of birds down stairways which were folded up again as I advanced. I displayed my grief in the friendly fields of death, far from men: within myself  (Grief Quotes) As a child I had dealt with a lot of loss and grief. I was constantly losing my parents, losing my home, constantly moving around, living with this stranger, that stepfather, or whatever  (Grief Quotes) Absolute green is the most restful color, lacking any undertone of joy, grief, or passion. On exhausted men this restfulness has a beneficial effect, but after a time it becomes tedious  (Grief Quotes) Grief can take care if itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with  (Grief Quotes)
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