Grieve not because thou understand - not life's mystery; behind the veil is concealed many a delight

Grieve not because thou understand - not life's mystery; behind the veil is concealed many a delight
Hafez, also known as Khwāja Shams-ud-Dīn Muḥammad Ḥāfeẓ-e Shīrāzī, was a 14th-century Persian poet whose works have had a profound impact on Persian literature and culture. His poetry is known for its mystical and spiritual themes, often exploring the mysteries of life, love, and the divine.One of Hafez's most famous verses is "Grieve not because thou understand - not life's mystery; behind the veil is concealed many a delight." This line encapsulates the essence of Hafez's philosophy, which encourages readers to embrace the unknown and find joy in the mysteries of life.
In this verse, Hafez acknowledges that life is full of mysteries and uncertainties that we may never fully understand. Instead of dwelling on what we do not know, he urges us to find solace in the hidden delights that lie beyond the veil of our understanding. This message is a reminder to trust in the beauty and wonder of the world, even when we cannot comprehend its complexities.
Hafez's poetry often explores the themes of love, spirituality, and the divine, using rich imagery and metaphor to convey his ideas. His verses are filled with references to Sufi mysticism and the search for inner truth, inviting readers to contemplate the deeper meanings of existence.