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Grizzlies Quotes

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If hurts were hairs, we’d all look like grizzlies  (Grizzlies Quotes) I was all braced for the wrath that was going to put grizzlies to shame, and this is what I get? I should infuriate you more often  (Grizzlies Quotes) They are the most fascinating, intelligent, resourceful, adaptable animals I have ever seen. Grizzlies are a real symbol of true wildness  (Grizzlies Quotes) Mama grizzlies mate later than other bears. They have two cubs instead of four. They wait four years - about twice as long as other bears - between having cubs. And after they’re pregnant, if winter is hard or their health is not good or the food supply is uncertain, they re-absorb the embryo into their body.  (Grizzlies Quotes) I can tell that the Greater Yellowstone from the Tetons, to the Lamar Valley where wolves howl and grizzlies roam, acts as my spine, my range of memory that ties me to landscape of Other. And that the ocean from the rocky coast of Maine, to the Florida everglades, to the looming cliffs at Big Sur, sustain me, remind me we are nothing without salt water, wind, and waves.  (Grizzlies Quotes) In Canada, you can’t even have a barbecue in your backyard without being attacked by a moose or even a grizzly bear. Then again, the grizzlies don’t beat anyone here in Vancouver; oh, it’s true, it’s true.  (Grizzlies Quotes) When he’s healthy, Zach Randolph for the Memphis Grizzlies has always been somebody that has always been very tough to play against.  (Grizzlies Quotes)