Grocery Quotes

Text Quotes
When I was 15, I worked as a bag boy in a grocery store. I also needed to walk old ladies to their car and put their bags in the car, and they would give me two dollars. I felt like the richest man in the world. (Grocery Quotes)
The world is progressing and resources are becoming more abundant. I’d rather go into a grocery store today than a king’s banquet a hundred years ago. (Grocery Quotes)
I can only imagine being the most famous person in the world, what that must be like when you go to the grocery store, when you go anywhere. (Grocery Quotes)
Go to the grocery store and buy better things. Buy quality, buy organic, buy natural, go to the farmers market. Immediately that’s going to increase the quality of the food you make. (Grocery Quotes)
Don’t skimp on the ice. Bags from the grocery store melt so fast and water down your drinks. I prefer beautiful, big squares for my cocktails. (Grocery Quotes)
I would never feel comfortable doing my own makeup for a party or a big event, that’s for sure. I’m really good at doing it to go to the grocery store. (Grocery Quotes)
The things that make me happiest in the whole world are going on the occasional picnic, either with my children or with my partner; big family gatherings; and being able to go to the grocery store - if I can get those things in, I’m doing good. (Grocery Quotes)
The biggest thing you can do is understand that every time you’re going to the grocery store, you’re voting with your dollars. Support your farmers’ market. Support local food. Really learn to cook. (Grocery Quotes)
I grew up in the middle of a block where there was an Irish grocery store on one corner, an Italian bar on another corner and the Nazi Party was on the third corner. (Grocery Quotes)
If entertainment ran grocery stores, we’d NEVER get oil cured olives or blue cheese, it would be JUST Coke. (Grocery Quotes)
My father worked in the Post Office. A lot of double shifts. All his friends were in the same situation - truck drivers, taxi cab drivers, grocery clerks. Blue collar guys punching the clock and working long, hard hours. The thought that sustained them was the one at the center of the American dream. (Grocery Quotes)
Few Americans have ever met their Congresspeople. They don’t see them at the grocery store; they don’t meet them at the bowling alley. They’re more likely to see their representatives in photographs from the Daily Grill in Washington, D.C., than at a local town hall. (Grocery Quotes)
I was always the new kid in school, I’m the kid from a broken family, I’m the kid who had no dad showing up at the father-son stuff, I’m the kid that was using food stamps at the grocery store. (Grocery Quotes)
I’m not one of those kind of people who does the observational ‘Hey, don’t you hate it when you’re at the grocery store and the line’s long and the cash register starts taking too long.’ I don’t really do that kind of stuff. I’m heavy on persona, and I do a lot of interacting with the audience. (Grocery Quotes)
I’m not in the clubs; I’m a homebody. I go out when I feel I have to for work or if there’s a special function. You might catch me at the grocery store, but you won’t see me out and about in Atlanta. (Grocery Quotes)
I haven’t always had the money rolling in. I’m a character actor; it’s not like I’m Gwyneth Paltrow - so I do have hard times still in my life. And that’s even more why it’s like you know what, I’m not that different from people going through it. I struggle; I look for a better deal at the grocery store. (Grocery Quotes)
Today, most women are surrounded by ingenious gadgets. They don’t grow the peas or raise the chicken that they serve for dinner; instead they hunt and gather in the grocery store. They go through catalogs or department stores to buy clothes instead of shearing sheep, carding wool, and weaving cloth for skirts and coats and blankets. (Grocery Quotes)
I was born in Chicago in 1927, the only child of Morris and Mildred Markowitz, who owned a small grocery store. We lived in a nice apartment, always had enough to eat, and I had my own room. I never was aware of the Great Depression. (Grocery Quotes)
By the time I reached high school my father’s grocery store had made our life adequately comfortable and I was able to choose, without any practical encumbrances, the subjects that I wanted to pursue in college. (Grocery Quotes)
I don’t remember my mother ever playing with me. And she was a perfectly good mother. But she had to do the laundry and clean the house and do the grocery shopping. (Grocery Quotes)
I’ve learned to look like I’m listening to long confusing plots of cartoons and comic books when I’m actually sound asleep or making grocery shopping lists in my head. (Grocery Quotes)
If you’re not clipping coupons before going to the grocery store, you’re overspending. If you’re ordering in or going out to dinner because you don’t feel like cooking, you’re overspending. If you’re not tracking where your money is going, you’re very likely overspending. (Grocery Quotes)
Unshaven dudes in hoodies and ski caps look so hip and cool, until they too close to a grocery cart full of dented cans... (Grocery Quotes)
In my entire life, any time I’ve ever lost something, I’ve gotten something even better going around the next corner. It’s like one door closes and another door opens. As long as I can walk through the produce section in every grocery store in this country and eat the grapes that they’re going to throw away, I know I can be fine. (Grocery Quotes)
I cross country ski on conveyer belts covered with shaved ice. People trying to check out at the grocery store need to show more respect for serious athletes. (Grocery Quotes)
I love being home, reading the paper in the morning and having a cup of coffee, doing laundry, going grocery shopping and running daily errands. For me, it’s important to have that balance in my life. (Grocery Quotes)
I’ve gone up to a random guy in a grocery store before and said, ‘Hi, I think you’re cute. Are you single?’ I’m not smooth. I just put it out there. (Grocery Quotes)
Liveability means being able to take your kids to school, go to work, see a doctor, drop by the grocery or Post Office, go out to dinner and a movie, and play with your kids at the park - all without having to get in your car. (Grocery Quotes)
It’s not like it’s hard to be decent and respectful and well-behaved. I do wait in line, and I do take the subway, and I do do my own grocery shopping, and I do take the kids to school. (Grocery Quotes)
There are times, like after a long day of work, when the thought of an easy drive-through is enticing. But then I remember how crappy I felt when I ate fast food in the past, and it inspires me to head to the grocery store or my local farmer’s market and whip up an easy but healthier option. (Grocery Quotes)