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Groomed Quotes

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I was put into this business by my parents as soon as I could walk. I was groomed by them for this business. I didn’t wake up at the early ages of 5 or 6 and say I want to be a star  (Groomed Quotes) I’m in showbiz. I look at my boobs like they’re show horses or show dogs. You’ve got to keep them groomed  (Groomed Quotes) I was being groomed to be a tennis player for sure. My grandparents and parents realised I had a natural athletic ability and if I was forced to do it, I could probably do well. But all I wanted was to play pretend  (Groomed Quotes) There aren’t enough good journalists. There are too many who really weren’t groomed to be reporters and, as a result, some of the reporting is shallow  (Groomed Quotes) Nobody objects to a woman being a good writer or sculptor or geneticist if at the same time she manages to be a good wife, a good mother, good looking, good tempered, well dressed, well groomed, and unaggressive  (Groomed Quotes)
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