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Ground Quotes

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I was blessed, because I come from a family where they knock you down before you float away. I have a lot of brothers who just make sure we have our feet on the ground, and my mom is a rock star. She is an amazing mother  (Ground Quotes) Vert skating was the kind of skating that was done in pools, where you could get airborne and be weightless. The other style, which is what I did, was called free style, which was tricks you could do on flat ground  (Ground Quotes) We needed to find some options for moving to neutral ground. I was tasked with doing that  (Ground Quotes) Having a family that loves books and loves to read has always created a common ground for communication  (Ground Quotes) It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true  (Ground Quotes) Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Today’s mighty oak is yesterday’s nut that held its ground  (Ground Quotes) It is the poet and philosopher who provide the community of objectives in which the artist participates. Their chief preoccupation, like the artist, is the expression in concrete form of their notions of reality. Like him, they deal with the verities of time and space, life and death, and the heights of exaltation as well as the depths of despair. The preoccupation with these eternal problems creates a common ground which transcends the disparity in the means used to achieve them  (Ground Quotes) Was there any meaning to life or to war, that two men should sit together and jump within seconds of each other and yet never meet on the ground below?  (Ground Quotes) I wake up in the morning asking myself what can I do today, how can I help the world today. I believe in what I do beyond a shadow of a doubt. I gave my word to this tree and to all the people that my feet would not touch the ground until I had done everything in my power to make the world aware of this problem and to stop the destruction  (Ground Quotes) I never really worried about those hurdles. They were just standing there, and I was always zooming past them just to get back on the ground again  (Ground Quotes) Pride is the ground in which all the other sins grow, and the parent from which all the other sins come  (Ground Quotes) When I’m writing, I think about the garden, and when I’m in the garden I think about writing. I do a lot of writing by putting something in the ground  (Ground Quotes) The man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures and acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization  (Ground Quotes) The best designs of all are organic, evolving from the subtleties of the ground they inhabit  (Ground Quotes) ... the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it  (Ground Quotes) Boundaries which mark off one field of science from another are purely artificial, are set up only for temporary convenience. Let chemists and physicists dig deep enough, and they reach common ground  (Ground Quotes) Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you’ve never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground  (Ground Quotes) The snow began to fall again, drifting against the windows, politely begging entrance and then falling with disappointment to the ground  (Ground Quotes) The only way to end poverty, to make it history, is to build viable systems on the ground that deliver critical and affordable goods and services to the poor, in ways that are financially sustainable and scaleable. If we do that, we really can make poverty history  (Ground Quotes) One may reject such proposals as something that will hurt merit but the ground reality is students from such sections do not have the same access to quality education that rich students enjoy  (Ground Quotes) The exact process you use to build courage isn’t important. What’s important is that you consciously do it. Just as your muscles will atrophy if you don’t regularly stress them, your courage will atrophy if you don’t consistently challenge yourself to face down your fears. In the absence of this kind of conscious conditioning, you’ll automatically become weak in both body and mind. If you aren’t regularly exercising your courage, then you are strengthening your fear by default; there is no middle ground  (Ground Quotes) She clutched the train ticket tighter and waited for the sense of escape to come over her as it had a dozen times before, that heady sensation of having just scooted through the clanging gate, of eluding the thrown net. It didn’t come. She was running again, but she wasn’t escaping. She’d been chased to ground a long, long time ago  (Ground Quotes) It is hard enough for anyone to map out a course of action and stick to it, particularly in the face of the desires of one’s friends; but it is doubly hard for an aviator to stay on the ground waiting for just the right moment to go into the air  (Ground Quotes) The pilot is still the pilot, whether he is at a remote console or on the flight deck. With the potential for thousands of these unmanned aircraft in use years from now, the standards for pilot training need to be set high to ensure that those on the ground and other users of the airspace are not put in jeopardy  (Ground Quotes) I don’t think I possess any skill that anyone else doesn’t have. I’ve just had perhaps more of an opportunity, more of an exposure, and been fortunate to survive a lot of situations that many other weren’t so lucky to make it. It’s not how close can you get to the ground, but how precise can you fly the airplane. If you feel so careless with you life that you want to be the world’s lowest flying aviator you might do it for a while. But there are a great many former friends of mine who are no longer with us simply because they cut their margins to close  (Ground Quotes) Follow your bliss. That which you love you must spend your life doing, as passionately and as perfectly as your heart, mind and instincts allow. The sooner you identify that bliss, which surely resides in the soul of most human beings, the greater your chance of a truly successful life. In the act of creativity, being careful guarantees sameness and mediocrity, which means your work will be invisible. Better to be reckless than careful. Better to be bold than safe. Better to have your work seen and remembered, or you’ve struck out. There is no middle ground  (Ground Quotes) To begin with, I wanted that truth to life to possess a concrete reliability, and rejoiced most when the poem seemed most direct, an upfront representation of the world it stood in for or stood up for or stood its ground against  (Ground Quotes) I very much related to the idea of sexual identity and how it doesn’t have to be black and white. When I first came out, there would be butch people in baseball caps, and that wasn’t me, and then there were girls in heels and dresses, and that didn’t feel like that was me either. But after a while I learned there’s a lot of ground in between  (Ground Quotes) You find out a lot about yourself through athletics. If you’re cut out to be a winner or a failure or a quitter, athletics will bring it out of you. You’re always stripping yourself down to the bones of your personality. And sometimes you just get a glimpse of the kind of talent you’ve been given. Sometimes I run and I don’t even feel the effort of running. I don’t even feel the ground. I’m just drifting. Incredible feeling. All the agony and frustration, they’re all justified by one moment like that  (Ground Quotes) Prostitution is the supreme triumph of capitalism. When the sex war is won prostitutes should be shot as collaborators for their terrible betrayal of all women, for the moral tarring and feathering they give indigenous women who have had the bad luck to live in what they make their humping ground  (Ground Quotes)
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