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Ground Quotes

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The legends lie cradled in the seagulls call, and the promise they made are ground beneath the sadist’s fall  (Ground Quotes) The only way to go on holiday is with your expectations at ground level. Convince yourself before you go that the weather’s going to be dreadful and there will be nylon sheets. You’ll then be pleasantly surprised  (Ground Quotes) It would be a miracle, for example, if I dropped a stone and it rose upwards. But is it no miracle that it falls to the ground?  (Ground Quotes) With a background in science I am extremely interested in the meeting ground of science, theology, and philosophy, especially the ethical questions at the border of science and theology  (Ground Quotes) When I am writing, I’m very much on the ground, on the same ground my characters are treading  (Ground Quotes) When I’m running fast, I don’t feel anything, it’s effortless, it’s like my feet don’t even touch the ground, it’s like I’m flying  (Ground Quotes) I have a tendency as an actress in general to ground my characters. Even when doing outlandish characters, that’s my instinct  (Ground Quotes) When you’re writing for a sequel and there’s a movie that’s been deemed sacred ground by the fanbase that’s the predecessor, you cannot do anything to tread on that, so it’s a bit trickier than just being able to sit down and write something  (Ground Quotes) Anyway, stories bring us together to find common ground, to find our way through life together, or just to entertain us, and I am just thrilled to be a part of that process  (Ground Quotes) Bloomberg is famously impatient with beltway politics and believes that to get anything done you need to work from the ground up  (Ground Quotes) I’ve spent a lot of my teenage years working on sets. I’ve missed out on more than just playing rugby, but I think I’ve managed to keep my feet on the ground and keep my friends around me  (Ground Quotes) It’s time the long arm of the law put a few more in the ground, send them all to their maker and he’ll settle them down  (Ground Quotes) I hear people saying we don’t need this war, I say there’s some things worth fighting for. What about our freedom and this piece of ground, we didn’t get to keep them by backing down  (Ground Quotes) The groundhogs are pretty good at eluding. If somebody is trying to come after a ground hog, they go and they burrow  (Ground Quotes) Rapping and singing are not two polar opposites. There’s so much middle ground. And I think there’s a lot of people who find that middle ground  (Ground Quotes) Solitude is a breeding ground for idiosyncrasy, and I relish that about it, the way it liberates whim  (Ground Quotes) The possibility of my presidential candidacy emerged spontaneously in public opinion polls. For my part, I noticed people’s affection when I was doing work on the ground. I think the important thing is that my candidacy was born from citizens themselves, driven by the people and which the parties picked up favorably  (Ground Quotes) Of course, I have given my engineers some headaches over the years, but they go with me. I have always wanted my buildings to be as light as possible, to touch the ground gently, to swoop and soar, and to surprise  (Ground Quotes) The emotions that sustain religious belief are all, in fact, deeply ordinary and deeply recognisable to anybody who has ever made their way across the common ground of human experience as an adult  (Ground Quotes) A walk in the woods can reveal many things, and it is a good time to practice transcendentalism. Look at a tree and realize it’s not just a tree, its roots may go into the ground but it may also go into other worlds, other eternities  (Ground Quotes) I think all television has to be about relationships and I don’t think horror for the sake of it can work unless you’re able to ground it in some kind of relationship  (Ground Quotes) I’ll continue on the path I’ve been taking, feet on the ground, describing people’s lives, describing people’s emotions, writing from the standpoint of the ordinary people  (Ground Quotes) I am a fan of overdoing something, but not running it into the ground. They are complete opposites with only a fine line separating them  (Ground Quotes) Gardening is all about optimism. I put a seed in the ground. I consistently tend it, confident I will see the results, in time, of the nurture I have provided  (Ground Quotes) Birds teach us something very important: To whatever height you rise, you will finally come down to the ground!  (Ground Quotes) When someone asks about a career in fashion, I say start at the bottom. If you want to start a business, you have to know it from the ground up  (Ground Quotes) There’s a tendency in politics to attribute bad motivation much too quickly, and the sooner you attribute bad motivation to someone you disagree with, the harder it is to find some common ground to make some progress that would give people confidence that you got it more right than wrong  (Ground Quotes) As a person, I have never been discourteous or nasty to anybody. I may have stood my ground a bit too directly, a bit too firmly, and I believe I have, over a number of years, learned to be a little less direct  (Ground Quotes) The particular sin of omission which gives ground to the evil spirits is the believer’s passivity  (Ground Quotes) When life kicks you in the teeth and knocks you down to the ground. Are you able to stand up and keep fighting?! That’s what it’s all about  (Ground Quotes)
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