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Ground Quotes

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Helicopters don’t fly, they vibrate so badly the ground rejects them  (Ground Quotes) Uncertainty is the fertile ground of pure creativity and freedom  (Ground Quotes) I’ll stand my ground and I won’t back down  (Ground Quotes) In a fleshly tomb, I am buried above ground  (Ground Quotes) Truth never lost ground by enquiry  (Ground Quotes) Never curse a fall. The ground is where humility lives  (Ground Quotes) Take more time, cover less ground  (Ground Quotes) I am built close to the ground and of extravagant body  (Ground Quotes) If we don’t give things a try, nothing will get off the ground  (Ground Quotes) That’s like comparing apples with hermaphroditic ground sloths  (Ground Quotes) Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground  (Ground Quotes) In order to fly, you have to give up the ground you are standing on  (Ground Quotes) The minute you know you’re on safe ground, you’re dead  (Ground Quotes) When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground  (Ground Quotes) Deaths have benefits. They can fertilise the ground  (Ground Quotes) Envy, the meanest of vices, creeps on the ground like a serpent  (Ground Quotes) The ground of all great thoughts is sadness  (Ground Quotes) I’m too high, but I ain’t left the ground  (Ground Quotes) This is the year you really put the stake in the ground  (Ground Quotes) There’s just no vision. You have no ground, no vision  (Ground Quotes) The novelist must ground his work in faithful study of human nature  (Ground Quotes) He like a rock in the sea unshaken stands his ground  (Ground Quotes) Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven  (Ground Quotes) You put your eyes in your pockets and your nose on the ground  (Ground Quotes) Let me die in my footsteps before I go under the ground  (Ground Quotes) The sky is not the limit? the ground is  (Ground Quotes) Because he spills his seed on the ground  (Ground Quotes) Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars  (Ground Quotes) We have a choice: to plow new ground or let the weeds grow  (Ground Quotes) Once every atom of this ground lived, breathed, and felt like me!  (Ground Quotes)
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