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America owed its military renaissance in the 1980s and 1990s to Vietnam. Veterans like Norman Schwartzkopf, Colin Powell, Alfred Grey, Charles Krulak, and Wesley Clark returned home angry and ashamed at their defeat and rebuilt all-volunteer, professional armed forces from the ground up.  (Ground Quotes) I believe there’s a common ground in what all gifted writers write. It has to do with their wish to turn darkness into light.  (Ground Quotes) When you voice your disagreement, begin by talking about what you have in common with the person you are arguing with. Too often we rush to judgment, race to argue, and overlook all the common ground we share.  (Ground Quotes) Between major countries, there certainly always are some common ground and points of tension  (Ground Quotes) A family is too frail a vessel to contain the risks of all the warring impulses expressed when such a group meets on common ground.  (Ground Quotes) I am totally down with disagreement. I don’t like Haterade, but disagreement is wonderful. When someone disagrees, we try to reach common ground. That’s good.  (Ground Quotes) Whether you’re an opera singer, a legislator or customer service operator, there is a way that we can find common ground with our audience - be they young or old, Democrats or Republicans, rich or poor, religious or secular.  (Ground Quotes) There’s a tendency in politics to attribute bad motivation much too quickly, and the sooner you attribute bad motivation to someone you disagree with, the harder it is to find some common ground to make some progress that would give people confidence that you got it more right than wrong.  (Ground Quotes) I have a lot of reason to believe, as we saw in the 2012 election, most Americans don’t agree with the extremists on any side of an issue, but there needs to continue to be an effort to find common ground, or even take it to higher ground on behalf of the future.  (Ground Quotes) There is common ground we can look towards and hopefully make this country better for all of us. That is what Joe for America means. I want more jobs. I want veterans to have better benefits and not have them taken away. I want people to succeed in this country and have the tools to do so.  (Ground Quotes) Always look for common ground, but don’t ever be afraid to choose sides  (Ground Quotes) We want to achieve a stable, peaceful world with less conflict and more common ground  (Ground Quotes) If you go deep enough into any faith tradition, you find the common ground with all faith traditions.  (Ground Quotes) These trees and these old people have one thing in common - they’re both going in the ground soon!  (Ground Quotes) One can regard the moral law as an illusion, and so cut himself off from the common ground of humanity.  (Ground Quotes) If man traveled as a centipede does, rather than with two self-interested steps at a time, more common ground would get covered.  (Ground Quotes) Literature is no one’s private ground, literature is common ground; let us trespass freely and fearlessly and find our own way for ourselves.  (Ground Quotes) Science is an excellent piece of furniture to have in the second story, providing that you have common sense on the ground floor.  (Ground Quotes) It’s time to put America at the front of all of our agendas and to find ways to work together on common ground.  (Ground Quotes) Hillary Clinton is going to find common ground with the Republicans on foreign and military affairs. They both want to enhance the military budget.  (Ground Quotes) I know Barack Obama. And I believe that as president, he’ll pursue the common good by seeking common ground rather than trying to divide us.  (Ground Quotes) Collaboration is when magic is made with more than one person. It’s when more than one person finds common ground on the same page. That’s collaboration.  (Ground Quotes) Americans will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us. We will deal fairly with everyone. We will seek common ground, partnership not conflict.  (Ground Quotes) Most musicians, regardless of what culture they come from, can get together and agree on some stuff about music. As there is going to be a common ground.  (Ground Quotes) If we reach common ground, and can understand what everybody’s going through, we can really affect change. And make sure that everyone is trated equally and has the same freedom.  (Ground Quotes) Something mystical can happen in the course of acting together that transcends words and ideologies--people who do not agree on ideas can create common ground in the act of loving.  (Ground Quotes) There’s no healthy life possible without some sensual feeling between the husband and wife, but there’s nothing in the world more awful than married life when it’s the only common ground.  (Ground Quotes) There’s a lot of common ground between criminals and cops. Both savor power, thrills, control. The good cops know they’re only a step or two away from the crooks they’re arresting.  (Ground Quotes) As president, I will take that work, that bipartisan work, that finding common ground, because you have to be able to get along with people to get things done in Washington.  (Ground Quotes) When my company was first getting off the ground, we were completely lost in the shuffle, despite our best efforts. In 2012, however, we had a 28-foot-long, 15,000-pound secret weapon. To stand out amid the gala parties and blow-out bashes hosted by much bigger tech companies, HootSuite decided to take to the streets.  (Ground Quotes)
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