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Ground Quotes

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I just put my feet in the ground and move them around  (Ground Quotes) We can find common ground only by moving to higher ground  (Ground Quotes) The art finds kingdoms in a foot of ground  (Ground Quotes) The lads really ran their socks into the ground  (Ground Quotes) Our spirituality is the ground of our being  (Ground Quotes) If we keep pulling death from the ground, we will reap death from the skies  (Ground Quotes) My first priority is to finish above rather than beneath the ground  (Ground Quotes) The greatest mistake we can make is to stay on the ground after falling  (Ground Quotes) Winning is often simply getting up off the ground one more time than your opponent  (Ground Quotes) We need to get out of this fetid pusshole and get to some higher ground  (Ground Quotes) Democracy is the breeding ground of communism  (Ground Quotes) Dare to take chances, lest you leave your talent buried in the ground  (Ground Quotes) All good things must one day be burnt to the ground for the insurance money  (Ground Quotes) One thing about ground balls: they don’t go out of the ballpark  (Ground Quotes) One is either packed or unpacked. There is no middle ground  (Ground Quotes) This generation is burning the mass media to the ground  (Ground Quotes) Do your homework and stand your ground  (Ground Quotes) We don’t know our ass from a hole in the ground  (Ground Quotes) An offended heart is the breeding ground of deception  (Ground Quotes) Our whole society’s a training ground for addicts  (Ground Quotes) The very concept of solid ground is a myth. The galaxy itself is adrift  (Ground Quotes) I ain’t scared of the fall / I’ve felt the ground before  (Ground Quotes) The primordial purity of the ground completely transcends words, concepts, and formulations  (Ground Quotes) Sin is ground in the notion of what is there that I want  (Ground Quotes) Make your race a playground, not a proving ground  (Ground Quotes) Listen to the people on the ground. They have all the solutions in the world  (Ground Quotes) Consciousness, not matter, is the ground of all existence  (Ground Quotes) Don’t be afraid to tread new ground, but do a sanity test  (Ground Quotes) When a big tree falls, the ground shakes  (Ground Quotes) You can’t keep a squirrel on the ground  (Ground Quotes)
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