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Ground Quotes

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My organization, National Action Network (NAN), was on the ground talking and meeting with people in Ferguson, just as we did in Staten Island following Eric Garner’s death.  (Ground Quotes) If you take away the predators in the prairies and the national parks, you suddenly have an explosion of elk, and then you have a lack of the food source for the elk, so they strip all the ground bare and that takes away the cover, on and on and on and on. The whole food chain is disrupted.  (Ground Quotes) The foolish man conceives the idea of ‘self.’ The wise man sees there is no ground on which to build the idea of ‘self;’ thus, he has a right conception of the world and well concludes that all compounds amassed by sorrow will be dissolved again, but the truth will remain.  (Ground Quotes) When we look at the flowers, we suddenly forget so many important things. We forget that all flowers die. We forget that winter will come again. We forget that nothing really endures and that, like the flowers that die at the end of the growing season, we’ll join them in the cold ground.  (Ground Quotes) I said that if an alien came to visit, I’d be embarrassed to tell them that we fight wars to pull fossil fuels out of the ground to run our transportation. They’d be like, ‘What?’  (Ground Quotes) Imagine spending four billion years stocking the oceans with seafood, filling the ground with fossil fuels, and drilling the bees in honey production - only to produce a race of bed-wetters!  (Ground Quotes) When we were trying to get ‘Jersey Boys’ off the ground, I’d get, ‘The Four Seasons? Who’s going to care? There’s the Beatles, there’s the Rolling Stones.’ But people know those stories. Here was a story no one knew.  (Ground Quotes) Rational free spirits are the light brigade who go on ahead and reconnoiter the ground which the heavy brigade of the orthodox will eventually occupy.  (Ground Quotes) Ay, call it holy ground, The soil where first they trod, They have left unstained, what there they found,- Freedom to worship God.  (Ground Quotes) I’ve been a huge cricket fan since my teens, and I often used to go down to St. Helen’s in Swansea in the summer. To me, it was like a ‘rites of passage’ experience to have the freedom of St. Helen’s cricket ground.  (Ground Quotes) It’s good to have fresh ingredients, but let’s not completely ignore some frozen ingredients. Vegetables are absolutely brilliant because as soon as they come out of the ground they are prepared and frozen instantly.  (Ground Quotes) Unfortunately, the genuine relationships and friendships that some of us have developed across the aisle in recent years does not translate into a willingness to seek compromise, consensus, or middle ground on the major challenges facing our state. The extreme ideology of the self-styled Tea Party legislators in Arizona absolutely rules the day.  (Ground Quotes) I can see the first apple teetering when I let the third arrow go, catching the torn flap and ripping it from the bag. For a moment, everything seems frozen in time. Then the apples spill to the ground and I’m blown backward into the air.  (Ground Quotes) Your actions will follow you full circle round,the higher the leap, I said, the harder the ground!  (Ground Quotes) We kept a broad audience, and we didn’t make fun of people who had necessarily made mistakes in their life and burned them to the ground. We made fun of a commercial or a movie or ourselves.  (Ground Quotes) I think the downloadable scene in general is really, really interesting for developers because it’s low-risk. It doesn’t require as much money as a triple-A title. And it’s a great proving ground for new IPs, new concepts, new ideas - things that I think I, as a developer, find really attractive.  (Ground Quotes) Opinion is dominating, which is absolutely ridiculous - there wouldn’t be anything for people to have opinions about if there weren’t people out there gathering facts on the ground.  (Ground Quotes) Get moving; the more ground you cover, the more people you see, the more successful you will be  (Ground Quotes) Don’t convince yourself you’re over, don’t convince yourself you’re done, just because the things around you seem heavy, doesn’t mean you can’t get off this ground.  (Ground Quotes) Hypocrisy is not a way of getting back to the moral high ground. Pretending you’re moral, saying your moral is not the same as acting morally.  (Ground Quotes) I try to ask visual questions. I’ll ask what someone was wearing, if that seems relevant. If possible, I’ll walk over the same ground that they’re depicting. Of course, I can never get it precisely as it was.  (Ground Quotes) I’m a diplomat by nature. I help find the middle ground. I crack a joke and use humour to help resolve potentially vicious situations quickly. It gets things in perspective and helps everyone to see that things aren’t as bad as they seem.  (Ground Quotes) Every giant leap for mankind resulting from a technological advance requires a commensurate step in the opposite direction - a counterweight to ground us in humanity.  (Ground Quotes) When I started caregiving, I was not on very firm ground. My first marriage had dissolved. I was working at an ice-cream stand in my thirties. I learned that when you don’t have anything to give, that’s when you really give, and then you get back so much more.  (Ground Quotes) My solutions are to include Africa in the global economy, and not African charity, AIDS research, but African infrastructure development. And I think that Africa can import and needs everything the whole world can manufacture. And they have got enough money to pay for it. It’s just that the money is in the ground.  (Ground Quotes) Global security can be formed or threatened by heads of state whose wisdom, folly and obsessions shape global events. But often it is the security practitioners, those rarely in the headlines but whose craft and energy quietly break new ground, who keep us safe or put us in peril.  (Ground Quotes) It is easily and often overlooked that when Thomas Jefferson asserted that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were inalienable human rights, he did so on the ground that they had been endowed by God, our Creator.  (Ground Quotes) I am God’s wheat, and I shall be ground by the teeth of beasts, that I may become the pure bread of Christ.  (Ground Quotes) I always thought that life was about standing your ground, no matter how strong the current was. But going with the flow isn’t so bad after all. As long as it takes you forward.  (Ground Quotes) Kisses are like grains of gold or silver found upon the ground, of no value themselves, but precious as showing that a mine is near.  (Ground Quotes)
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