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Ground Quotes

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As you tumble to the ground, pick me up on your way down  (Ground Quotes) It’s a rite of passage for the everyman, to a higher ground  (Ground Quotes) Comedy clubs are sacred ground. That’s where anything goes  (Ground Quotes) In order to succeed... you have to put a stake in the ground  (Ground Quotes) The astral is the supporting ground for the physical dimension  (Ground Quotes) Relationships are a proving ground for love  (Ground Quotes) Trying to ground everything in reality was the most important thing to me  (Ground Quotes) Let’s not grow with our roots in the ground  (Ground Quotes) If the map doesn’t agree with the ground, the map is wrong  (Ground Quotes) Between two stools one sits on the ground  (Ground Quotes) I live an idle burden to the ground  (Ground Quotes) Art is an effort to make you walk a half an inch above ground  (Ground Quotes) Longing is like a seed that wrestles in the ground  (Ground Quotes) Everyday above ground is a great day, remember that  (Ground Quotes) We fall, but we get up because the ground is no place for a champion  (Ground Quotes) Go to find common ground; where you can’t, you stand your ground  (Ground Quotes) Like the pioneers of old, a creative person breaks new ground daily  (Ground Quotes) Our tears prepare the ground for our future growth  (Ground Quotes) This is the law: blood spilt upon the ground cries out for more  (Ground Quotes) The relationship, the marriage, the commitment, the partnership... This is the holy ground  (Ground Quotes) Few politicians are good at taking the high ground and throwing themselves off it  (Ground Quotes) If anyone wants a hole in the ground, nuclear explosives can make big holes  (Ground Quotes) God makes the life fertile by disappointments, as he makes the ground fertile by frosts  (Ground Quotes) Who hesitate and falter life away, and lose tomorrow the ground won today  (Ground Quotes) Autumn begins to decorate the ground / with its fragile bits of loosened gold  (Ground Quotes) I usually want to crawl into the ground after I make a film, almost invariably  (Ground Quotes) Belief is a form of infantilism. There is no ground for believing anything  (Ground Quotes) The ground of science was littered with the corpses of dead unified theories  (Ground Quotes) My entire life has been devoted to breaking down barriers, to finding common ground  (Ground Quotes) Analysis kills spontaneity. The grain once ground into flour springs and germinates no more  (Ground Quotes)
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