Group Quotes

Text Quotes
I’ve found that men I’ve dated who are in the same business can be really competitive. I’ve found a great group of girlfriends in the same business who aren’t competitive, but a few times guys have started comparing careers and it has been... challenging. (Group Quotes)
I condemn all incidents of violence where religious minorities were targeted, no religious group can incite violence ... my government will ensure there is complete freedom of faith. (Group Quotes)
The Tea Party is a group that rejects deep thinking, it rejects the very complex analysis that is involved in public policy, it rejects the kind of textured decision-making that Ronald Reagan prided himself on. (Group Quotes)
People think there’s a single solution to complex problems, and the solution is often making an enemy of a group of people - pulling back and rejecting the other. (Group Quotes)
I wanted to make an explicitly educational comic that taught readers the concepts I covered in my introductory programming class. That’s what ‘Secret Coders’ is. It’s both a fun story about a group of tweens who discover a secret coding school, and an explanation of some foundational ideas in computer science. (Group Quotes)
Computer programming has been traditionally seen as something that is beyond most people - it’s only for a special group with technical expertise and experience. We have developed ‘Scratch’ as a new type of programming language, which is much more accessible. (Group Quotes)
I love being in the business I’m in-I do love being a part of a group of people that work well together. I love it when there’s a connection. (Group Quotes)
The people in my life are friends I have by choice. I’ve made a conscious effort to have them in life. I only have the time and energy for so many people, which has cut down my friend group to a handful, but I’m so much happier with fewer good people, who really do know me. (Group Quotes)
I think one of the reasons that we like conspiracy theories is I think that we like to feel like there is a group of people who are so smart and powerful that they can pull the wool over an entire country or in fact even an entire world’s eyes. That certainly makes us feel like somehow we’re protected, even if it’s not in our best interest. (Group Quotes)
The number of realists who are betting that both the ‘economy gets healthy soon’ and this government gets spending under control is a tiny group, indeed. (Group Quotes)
I cannot imagine any circumstances under which David McNarry would be back in the Ulster Unionist Assembly group of MLAs when I have control of the whip. (Group Quotes)
In principle... no government in the world can accept an armed terrorist group, some of them coming from abroad, controlling streets and villages in the name of ‘jihad’. (Group Quotes)
People inside of belonging systems are very threatened by those who are not within that group. They are threatened by anyone who has found their citizenship in places they cannot control. (Group Quotes)
Profile has half the publishing and they control and administer the publishing and distribute and own the records, so our group is a 10-point crew. But we got a lot of money off of the shows. (Group Quotes)
I was signed to a record label when I was younger. I was in a group, and I just wasn’t - personally, I wasn’t ready to get out there. I don’t know. It was a pop group. Not like the Spice Girls, but when you don’t have any control over anything, it’s disheartening. (Group Quotes)
I went to a high school that didn’t have many people in it. There were, like, 60 people in my senior class. There was a group of cool kids and a group of really dorky kids, and I was probably the coolest of the really dorky kids. (Group Quotes)
The hazards posed by Near-Earth Asteroids are assessed by Sentry, a computer system developed by the Near-Earth Objects Group at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. The software factors together a cosmic rock’s coordinates, distance, velocity, and gravitational influences to calculate its trajectory. (Group Quotes)
It’s often said that costume designers are a faceless group of people. But we can contribute to fashion in a way that might be new and different. (Group Quotes)
Dick Clarke, who was head of counter-terrorism in the National Security Council, pushed constantly for the Principals Committee, which is the key national security group of top officials to take up the issue of terrorism. (Group Quotes)
The first, and overarching, count in the new indictment is that slavery permitted one group of people to exercise unrestrained personal domination over another group of people. (Group Quotes)
There’s a new hit rock group or singer every five minutes, but with country music, you have one hit and those people love you forever. (Group Quotes)
Bhutan is a very serene country with an incredible history. It has an incredible group of great artisans. (Group Quotes)
Normally, I would run with a group of guys in my camps. A couple of days before the fight, I would run by myself. That was my time to choreograph the fight in my head, so I needed to be myself. (Group Quotes)
Collaboration is just, really, a group of people getting in a room with their eye on a very similar prize and wanting to come out with the same show. The director, ultimately, is the guy in front of whom the buck stops. So, he has to have the courage to prevail. But, he has got to have a huge amount of respect for his collaborators. (Group Quotes)
What this misguided world and generation needs is a massive group of courageous and caring, wise and unwearying women. (Group Quotes)
A couple of friends and I started a sketch comedy group when we were teenagers, just for fun and to start creating stuff. It was a blast. (Group Quotes)
Filmmaking creates a sort of - trust, maybe. It has led me to a group of people I feel good with. We have something in common because of film, when otherwise we might have nothing. (Group Quotes)
It is clear that rituals and sacrifices can bring people together, and it may well be that a group that does such things has an advantage over one that does not. But it is not clear why a religion has to be involved. Why are gods, souls, an afterlife, miracles, divine creation of the universe, and so on brought in? (Group Quotes)
We don’t design by calculator or by demographics or anything like that. We really are a group of creative, sensitive people. We have our charmed little world where we get to make things. We’re really lucky. (Group Quotes)
I am all for cultural diversity and would be willing to see each recognizable group value its cultural heritage. I am a New York patriot, for instance, and if I lived in Los Angeles, I would love to get together with other New York expatriates and sing Give My Regards to Broadway. (Group Quotes)