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Grouping Quotes

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Creeds and castes, and all forms of intellectual and emotional grouping, belong to the past  (Grouping Quotes) Art is rearranging and grouping mistakes  (Grouping Quotes) A small house must depend on its grouping with other houses for its beauty, and for the preservation of light air and the maximum of surrounding open space  (Grouping Quotes) If, for example, all the codons are triplets, then in addition to the correct reading of the message, there are two incorrect readings which we shall obtain if we do not start the grouping into sets of three at the right place  (Grouping Quotes) The poetic act consists of suddenly seeing that an idea splits up into a number of equal motifs and of grouping them; they rhyme  (Grouping Quotes) I waited for the idea to consolidate, for the grouping and composition of themes to settle themselves in my brain  (Grouping Quotes) Mendelssohn I consider the first musician of the day; I doff my hat to him as my superior. He plays with everything, especially with the grouping of the instruments in the orchestra, but with such ease, delicacy and art, with such mastery throughout  (Grouping Quotes) This can be one of cheerfulness or gloom because color which is so inexpensive, is what does the trick. Not color alone but color plus imaginative lighting and cleverly grouping of the furniture. You say you have an old lobby that nothing much can be done with? Oh yes it can!  (Grouping Quotes) Nothing before had ever made me thoroughly realise, though I had read various scientific books, that science consists in grouping facts so that general laws or conclusions may be drawn from them  (Grouping Quotes) In descriptions of nature one must seize on small details, grouping them so that when the reader closes his eyes he gets a picture  (Grouping Quotes) Experience has taught me that any kind of political grouping is oppressive. It’s the blind mass that crushes the individual  (Grouping Quotes) While at a biological disadvantage in competitions, women - who even make trips to restaurant bathrooms in pairs - are at a clear advantage when it comes to grouping together and the activities that accompany it: gossiping, sharing, bonding, assisting, scrapbooking, and building networks.  (Grouping Quotes)