Groups Quotes

Text Quotes
We know that ISIL and other terrorist groups are actively encouraging people, around the world and in our country, to commit terrible acts of violence, oftentimes as lone-wolf actors. (Groups Quotes)
When I was in middle school, the librarian there was secretary for a couple of groups of professional writers. She introduced me to Ray Bradbury and Richard Matheson, and I became very friendly with them over a period of two years. Both of them were very generous with their time, guidance and advice. (Groups Quotes)
African Americans are one of the oldest ethnic groups in this country. We been here since the beginning. Before the beginning. (Groups Quotes)
Typically, during recessionary times, particular groups suffer higher rates of unemployment -African Americans, and Latinos, and in some cases other minority groups. If you don’t have a high level of training or education you’re going to fall into that category. (Groups Quotes)
When the culture of police departments is sometimes infused with bias or preconceived ideas against certain groups, there needs to be reform and retraining throughout. And unfortunately, we cannot rely on local departments to police themselves; we need intervention from the top. (Groups Quotes)
Violence against women is still treated as a lesser crime. Armed groups turn it into a weapon of choice because of near total impunity. (Groups Quotes)
I think of America not so much as a single country but as a constellation of groups out there competing for air time, energetically expressing themselves and luxuriating in their right to govern themselves. Freedom is that great vaunted word that’s always applied to our country - and rightly so. (Groups Quotes)
There were precisely two groups of people who desperately wanted airport security to be browbeaten into giving suspicious passengers a pass: terrorists and Democrats. (Groups Quotes)
The Middle East that Obama inherited in 2009 was largely at peace, for the surge in Iraq had beaten down the al Qaeda-linked groups. U.S. relations with traditional allies in the Gulf, Jordan, Israel and Egypt were very good. Iran was contained, its Revolutionary Guard forces at home. (Groups Quotes)
I don’t do album covers or CD covers for groups or musicians I don’t like or have no interest in. (Groups Quotes)
I’ve always been a fan of album covers with no writing on them and have used them a lot in my own groups. (Groups Quotes)
When you have increasing power of religious groups, oppression of women increases. Women are oppressed in all religions. (Groups Quotes)
Low-income people, racial or ethnic minorities, pregnant women, seniors, people with special needs, people in rural areas - they all have a much harder time accessing a dentist than other groups of Americans. (Groups Quotes)
I suggest that those groups whose culture and values stress delayed gratification - education, hard work, success, and ambition - are those groups that succeed in America, regardless of discrimination. (Groups Quotes)
American politicians are responsive almost solely to the interests and desires of their rich constituents and interest groups that primarily represent big business. (Groups Quotes)
In committing an estimated 3,000 U.S. forces to join international Ebola relief efforts in West Africa, President Obama seems to be fulfilling the plans of highly influential progressive groups who seek to transform the American military into more of a social-work organization. (Groups Quotes)
Even some of us who make movies underestimate their influence abroad. American movies sell American culture. Foreigners want to see American movies. But that’s also why so many foreign governments and groups object to them. (Groups Quotes)
People who attend support groups who have been diagnosed with a life-challenging illness live on average twice as long after diagnosis as people who don’t. (Groups Quotes)
I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together. (Groups Quotes)
If you look at little kids and wild animals, these are two groups of things that whenever I’m with them forces me to be in the moment. (Groups Quotes)
If democracy succeeds in Egypt, other countries will follow. Should the democratic experiment in Egypt be hijacked by the military or anti-democratic Islamist groups, the revolution will fail elsewhere. (Groups Quotes)
I’m trying to create flesh architecture. I aim to get a sculptural feel for groups of bodies, as well as create performance art. (Groups Quotes)
At Stanford, we teach ‘design thinking’ - that is, we put together small, interdisciplinary groups to figure out what the true needs are and then to apply the art of engineering to serve them. (Groups Quotes)
Even when they are saturated in the sense of the older theory of valence, the elementary atoms still possess sufficient chemical affinity to bind other seemingly also saturated atoms and groups of atoms, under generation of clearly defined atomic bonds. (Groups Quotes)
I don’t bench press, but I use machines to work 10-12 muscle groups. Biceps, triceps, a few things for the back, calves, shoulders and so on - and then I’ll go on the running machine, cross-trainer or mountain climber. (Groups Quotes)
My guess is that good and bad parenting is spread fairly evenly across different social groups. But can you imagine Tony Blair lecturing the middle class on how to bring up their children? He is far more comfortable as a latter-day exponent of the Poor Law mentality. (Groups Quotes)
The possibility that terrorist groups could obtain weapons of mass destruction should not be dismissed as a fiction. This is a horrific threat the international community should take seriously. As long as these weapons exist, so, too, does the risk of their use - by accident or design. (Groups Quotes)
I think if I wasn’t a musician, I would be a high-school band director or orchestra director. I like working with large groups of musicians and bringing out the dynamics and accomplishing something as a team. (Groups Quotes)
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a joke - the fact that Madonna is in before Rush and Kiss. Those two bands have influenced so many groups and people other than in metal. (Groups Quotes)
Prison Notebooks’ gives me a basic understanding of how power can influence people through cultural products and intellectual groups, so they will voluntarily support the hegemony. (Groups Quotes)