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Government does not grow by seizing our freedoms, but by assuming our responsibilities  (Grow Quotes) Ask because you want to know. Listen because you want to grow  (Grow Quotes) Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Prolonged absence makes the heart forget  (Grow Quotes) Some people drop their wings in order to grow a hump  (Grow Quotes) Too many doubts grow in the cracks of silence and separation  (Grow Quotes) Grow enough to be consistently happy  (Grow Quotes) On the first few albums the songs would grow into strange shapes  (Grow Quotes) We rarely grow when we’re happy, we grow when we hurt  (Grow Quotes) Because things grow. Wherever there is air and light and open space, things grow  (Grow Quotes) Each day grow older, and learn something new;  (Grow Quotes) You have to grow thick skin and that only comes with time and learning  (Grow Quotes) To grow up without risk is to risk not growing up  (Grow Quotes) Flowers and pricker bushes grow out of the same dust  (Grow Quotes) It’s the children the world almost breaks who grow up to save it  (Grow Quotes) Love must blossom. Through love will grow the trees and the bushes  (Grow Quotes) You score goals as a kid. Then you grow up stupid and become a goalkeeper  (Grow Quotes) What we love we shall grow to resemble  (Grow Quotes) You don’t go through life, you grow through life  (Grow Quotes) The more you move, the stronger you’ll grow  (Grow Quotes) Nothing can grow under big trees  (Grow Quotes) What else is death but the refusal any longer to grow and suffer change?  (Grow Quotes) Only two things grow for the sake of growth: businesses and tumors  (Grow Quotes) The more we can grow on already cultivated land, the better  (Grow Quotes) To boldly grow where no one has groan before  (Grow Quotes) Be aware that the fire that does not grow is extinguished  (Grow Quotes) You can’t grow a beard if you shave  (Grow Quotes) When I grow up I want to be an old woman  (Grow Quotes) A new culture can only grow up in the soil of a purged humanity  (Grow Quotes) It’s not only children who grow. Parents do too  (Grow Quotes) If you fake the funk, your nose will grow  (Grow Quotes)
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