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The southward advance of native African farmers with Central African crops halted in Natal, beyond which Central African crops couldn't grow - with enormous consequences for the recent history of South Africa  (Grow Quotes) And I saw the sax line - up that he had behind him and I thought, I'm going to learn the saxophone. When I grow up, I'm going to play in his band. So I sort of persuaded my dad to get me a kind of a plastic saxophone on the hire purchase plan  (Grow Quotes) I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be  (Grow Quotes) If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be  (Grow Quotes) To know how to grow old is the master work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living  (Grow Quotes) Though other things grow fair against the sun, yet fruits that blossom first will first be ripe  (Grow Quotes) But now, being a parent, I go home and see my son and I forget about any mistake I ever made or the reason I'm upset. I get home and my son is smiling or he comes running to me. It has just made me grow as an individual and grow as a man  (Grow Quotes) If faith produce no works, I see That faith is not a living tree. Thus faith and works together grow, No separate life they never can know. They're soul and body, hand and heart, What God hath joined, let no man part  (Grow Quotes) I do remember how it was to be poor. I do remember that in my early years, we had to grow and raise all of our food, even our animals. And I remember in my early life, we didn't even have electricity. So it was very, very hard times then  (Grow Quotes) And I think if you look at any relationship, for the relationship to be productive and to move forward and to grow, sometimes things have to be said that one person or the other person is not going to like to hear  (Grow Quotes) I think retirement's for old people. I'm still in the business, thank you. I have a young child of nine years old, and I want to live as long as I can to see him grow up. I'm enjoying my life and I want to stick around for as long as I can  (Grow Quotes) If you grow up in the South Bronx today or in south central Los Angeles or Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, you quickly come to understand that you have been set apart and that there's no will in this society to bring you back into the mainstream  (Grow Quotes) My parent's divorce and hard times at school, all those things combined to mold me, to make me grow up quicker. And it gave me the drive to pursue my dreams that I wouldn't necessarily have had otherwise  (Grow Quotes) The low points I had all helped make up my character, so I probably wouldn't want to do away with them because I like being flawed and I like having them help me grow and change and become better and stronger  (Grow Quotes) Did you know that nearly one in three children live apart from their biological dads? Those kids are two to three times more likely to grow up in poverty, to suffer in school, and to have health and behavioral problems  (Grow Quotes) When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow  (Grow Quotes) It took me so many years to move out. I'm definitely a bit of a Peter Pan, reluctant to grow up. It all seemed really nice at home - why change it? Part of me would prefer not to have any responsibility whatsoever  (Grow Quotes) For now I stand as one upon a rock environed with a wilderness of sea, who marks the waxing tide grow wave by wave, expecting ever when some envious surge will in his brinish bowels swallow him  (Grow Quotes) Now I see the secret of making the best person: it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the Earth  (Grow Quotes) Who am no more but as the tops of trees, which fence the roots they grow by and defend them - make both my body pine and soul to languish, and punish that before that he would punish  (Grow Quotes) You will find as you grow older that courage is the rarest of all qualities to be found in public life  (Grow Quotes) You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul  (Grow Quotes) Wine comes in at the mouth and love comes in at the eye; that's all we shall know for truth before we grow old and die  (Grow Quotes) I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?  (Grow Quotes) Love is the answer, and you know that for sure; Love is a flower, you've got to let it grow  (Grow Quotes) People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built  (Grow Quotes) I didn't get hugely famous really quick. It was a slow, gradual process, so I was able to sort of grow into myself and figure out who I was and what I wanted without the glaring spotlight on me telling me who I was  (Grow Quotes) Warriors of the light are not perfect. Their beauty lies in accepting this fact and still desiring to grow and to learn  (Grow Quotes) That's because, like everyone else on the planet, you believed that time would teach you to grow closer to God. But time doesn't teach; it merely brings us a sense of weariness and of growing older  (Grow Quotes) Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them  (Grow Quotes)
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