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Myths grow all the time. If I was to listen to the number of times I’ve thrown teacups then we’ve gone through some crockery in this place. It’s completely exaggerated, but I don’t like people arguing back with me  (Grow Quotes) I was just lucky enough to grow up in a time when they actually had drama departments in schools  (Grow Quotes) Words are also seeds, and when dropped into the invisible spiritual substance, they grow and bring forth after their kind  (Grow Quotes) I’m trying to grow. I don’t want to stay on the same page  (Grow Quotes) When you grow up in a totally segregated society, where everybody around you believes that segregation is proper, you have a hard time. You can’t believe how much it’s a part of your thinking  (Grow Quotes) It’s only 60,000. It’s not a big town. It’s a big hockey town. Everybody plays hockey when you grow up  (Grow Quotes) The phenomenon develops calmly, but it is invisible, unstoppable. One feels, one sees it born and grow steadily; and it is not in one’s power to either hasten or slow it down  (Grow Quotes) A painter’s tastes must grow out of what so obsesses him in life that he never has to ask himself what it is suitable for him to do in art  (Grow Quotes) Style is something that’s extremely important, but it must grow naturally out of who and what you are and what the material calls for. It cannot be superimposed  (Grow Quotes) Sometimes you got to hurt something to help something. Sometimes you have to plow under one thing in order for something else to grow  (Grow Quotes) Apologizes are pointless, regrets come too late. What matters is you can move, on you can grow  (Grow Quotes) We don’t think that we are in a quarrel with anybody. We may have a difference of opinion, but well not allow such differences of opinion to grow into a problem that stands in the way of reconstructing the country and regaining the democratic path  (Grow Quotes) Well it seems to me, that all real communities grow out of a shared confrontation with survival. Communities are not produced by sentiment or mere goodwill. They grow out of a shared struggle. Our situation in the desert is an incubator for community  (Grow Quotes) It is not the question, what am I going to be when I grow up; you should ask the question, who am I going to be when I grow up  (Grow Quotes) One has to grow up with good talk in order to form the habit of it  (Grow Quotes) It’s important to talk about loving yourself and looking at your tragedies and the stuff that makes you grow  (Grow Quotes) Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop  (Grow Quotes) We shall have to pass through many a valley, many a narrow defile. Many will grow tired on the way. Of course they will mostly be those who have no reason to do so  (Grow Quotes) I was feeling a strong need to change, grow, and break with particular things that were going on in my life and my history, and the material was the perfect answer for that  (Grow Quotes) Aging is an inevitable process. I surely wouldn’t want to grow younger. The older you become, the more you know; your bank account of knowledge is much richer  (Grow Quotes) It’s kind of fun being the cute, little one. In fact, I’m finding it hard to grow out of that  (Grow Quotes) Every artist has to grow, and has to challenge themselves with a new form of expression  (Grow Quotes) You’ll find as you grow older that you weren’t born such a great while ago after all. The time shortens up  (Grow Quotes) I think the big thing is to talk about getting people working again and addressing the issues that are keeping small business from being able to grow  (Grow Quotes) Herein lies our problem. If we level that much land to grow rice and whatever, then no other animal could live there except for some insect pest species. Which is very unfortunate  (Grow Quotes) Bureaucracies tend to grow and to brag about their growth based on how many individuals they have and how much money they spend  (Grow Quotes) Actors, I don’t think, ever really grow up. I’m hoping that that rejuvenating process applies to me, too. It has so far. I’ve been very lucky  (Grow Quotes) Learn as many mistakes and what not to do while your business or product is small. Don’t be in such a hurry to grow your brand. Make sure that you and the market can sustain any bumps that may occur down the road  (Grow Quotes) I had a great time with baseball growing up. I was lucky to grow up with it and to learn  (Grow Quotes) Treat all men alike. Give them the same law. Give them an even chance to live and grow  (Grow Quotes)
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