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It’s through mistakes that you actually can grow. You have to get bad in order to get good  (Grow Quotes) A flower that grow in the ghetto know more about survival than the one from fresh meadows  (Grow Quotes) In our everyday garden grow the rosemary, juniper, ferns and plane trees, perfectly tangible and visible. For these plants that have an illusory relationship with us, which in no way alters their existentiality, we are merely an event, an accident, and our presence, which seems so solid, laden with gravity, is to them no more than a momentary void in motion through the air. Reality is a quality that belongs to them, and we can exercise no rights over it  (Grow Quotes) Grow your tree of falsehood from a small grain of truth. Do not follow those who lie in contempt of reality. Let your lie be even more logical than the truth itself, so the weary travelers may find repose  (Grow Quotes) I think expectations might be preceding reality,... In the long run we’ve got some real opportunity here, but we’ve come a long way too quickly. We may need to ratchet it back a little and set a new foundation to grow for the rest of the year, but continuing at this pace is going to be difficult  (Grow Quotes) I’ve seen my grandmothers grow old and they are so beautiful, every wrinkle in their face tells a story. I want to feel that in 30 years. I would always choose that kind of beauty over that comes from having too much done to yourself  (Grow Quotes) I’m hoping my children will save me from my vanity. If it doesn’t, plastic surgery is an option... It sucks to have to grow older. We all have to accept it  (Grow Quotes) While friendship itself has an air of eternity about it, seeming to transcend all natural limits, there is hardly any emotion so utterly at the mercy of time. We form friendships, and grow out of them. It might almost be said that we cannot retain the faculty of friendship unless we are continually making new friends  (Grow Quotes) The most successful marketer becomes part of the lives of their followers. They follow back. They wish happy birthday. They handle problems their customers have with products or service. They grow their businesses and brands by involving themselves in their own communities  (Grow Quotes) She watched the gap between ship and shore grow to a huge gulf. Perhaps this was a little like dying, the departed no longer visible to the others, yet both still existed, only in different worlds  (Grow Quotes) The stronger that women grow, the more prestige, fame, and money is accorded to the display professions: They are held higher and higher above the heads of rising women, for them to emulate  (Grow Quotes) When you’re in a broken family and your role model is a violent male, boys grow up believing that’s the way they’re supposed to act. And girls think that’s an accepted way men will treat them  (Grow Quotes) Our philosophy has been to be fiscally conservative, so we can be operationally aggressive. We’re not using borrowed money to grow. So we’ll put up a store just to get there before the competition. If it doesn’t work, we’ll close it and lose a little equity. It won’t kill us  (Grow Quotes) It doesn’t ever occur to you, as you fashion your mask so carefully, that it will grow into your skin and graft itself, come to seem irremovable  (Grow Quotes) To think deeply in our culture is to grow angry and to anger others; and if you cannot tolerate this anger, you are wasting the time you spend thinking deeply. One of the rewards of deep thought is the hot glow of anger at discovering a wrong, but if anger is taboo, thought will starve to death  (Grow Quotes) For the last 16 years, temperatures have been going down and the carbon dioxide has been going up and the crops have got greener and grow quicker. We’ve done plenty to smash up the planet, but there’s been no global warming caused by man  (Grow Quotes) In order to grow at this pace, there will have to be a couple of acquisitions along the way. The tricky thing is to grow at this rate and maintain a 40 percent operating margin  (Grow Quotes) I believe we can create a truly humane, sustainable, and health food production system without killing any animals. I imagine a revolution in veganic agriculture in which small farmers grow a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes, all fertilized with vegetable sources  (Grow Quotes) Some trees flourish, others die. Some cattle grow strong, others are taken by wolves. Some men are born rich enough and dumb enough to enjoy their lives. Ain’t nothing fair. You know that  (Grow Quotes) Having limits to push against is how you find out what you can do. I have always been full of contradictions. I am shy but I love the freedom of the stage. I need reassurance but at the same time I don’t want it. I hate being afraid but I can’t help wanting to frighten myself. That is how you grow  (Grow Quotes) If a book is easy and fits nicely into all your language conventions and thought forms, then you probably will not grow much from reading it. It may be entertaining, but not enlarging to your understanding. It’s the hard books that count. Raking is easy, but all you get is leaves; digging is hard, but you might find diamonds  (Grow Quotes) The belief that youth is the happiest time of life is founded on fallacy. The happiest person is the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts, and we grow happier as we grow older  (Grow Quotes) Start locally and build. Start small and grow. Start in your house, then move to your school, your book club, your gym, your church, your temple, your city  (Grow Quotes) By your late thirties the ground has begun to grow hard. It grows harder and harder until the day that it admits you  (Grow Quotes) You cannot compare your athletic achievement to the importance of children and giving them a safe environment in which to grow up and enjoy life  (Grow Quotes) You learn so much from taking chances, whether they work out or not. Either way, you can grow from the experience and become stronger and smarter  (Grow Quotes) In a perfect world perhaps we would all see more clearly. But this is not a perfect world, and it is enough to hope that each of us will share our talents, and find the balance between greed and benevolence that will allow us to live and thrive and help the world around us grow  (Grow Quotes) A moustache to a man is the same as a fringe is to a woman. When you’ve got it, you want to grow it out; when you’ve grown it out, you want to cut it  (Grow Quotes) It’s time for democrats to grow a backbone and stand up for what we believe  (Grow Quotes) Money is not a goal. The goal is to make companies grow, develop, be competitive, be in different areas, be efficient to have a great human team inside the company  (Grow Quotes)
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