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It’s a strange lesson to learn in life that your differences, the things that make you feel uncomfortable about yourself are what will help you to grow into who you are. Those are your gifts  (Grow Quotes) Travel spins us round in two ways at once: It shows us the sights and values and issues that we might ordinarily ignore; but it also, and more deeply, shows us all the parts of ourselves that might otherwise grow rusty  (Grow Quotes) People who get into animation tend to be kids. We don’t have to grow up. But also, animators are great observers, and there’s this childlike wonder and interest in the world, the observation of little things that happen in life  (Grow Quotes) Either you get a chance to be a kid when you are a kid, or you don’t grow up  (Grow Quotes) You do not lose your value or preciousness when you grow to be a adult. You are still that miraculous creation. You must work, we must all work, to make the world worthy of its children  (Grow Quotes) Men grow when inspired by a high purpose, when contemplating vast horizons. The sacrifice of oneself is not very difficult for one burning with the passion for a great adventure  (Grow Quotes) Don’t let your hearts grow numb. Stay alert. It is your soul which matters  (Grow Quotes) No matter your position or place in life, it is imperative to create opportunities for children so that we can grow up to blow you away  (Grow Quotes) When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand. Ideas actually begin to grow within us and come to life  (Grow Quotes) When you go through tragedy, you can either let that destroy you and you become bitter and never let it go, or you can let it make you stronger and let it make you grow. And that’s what I did. My lyrics are coming from a place that I want people to relate to and feel that they’re not alone  (Grow Quotes) Whatever it is that we put in our hearts and minds, whatever seed you plant in it, it will grow. We might not know it but subconsciously, in one way or another, it can affect us  (Grow Quotes) Many will be busied in taking away from a thing, which will grow in proportion as it is diminished  (Grow Quotes) If it doesn’t swim, run, or fly, or isn’t green and grow in the ground, don’t eat it  (Grow Quotes) I can’t resist a pretty plant. When I see it, I want it, I buy it, take it home, and plant it where ever I can find a place. If I had a similar moral code when it comes to romance, I would be divorced several times over by now. That is the reason I grow a cottage garden. I can stick everything in with complete abandon and no discrimination whatsoever  (Grow Quotes) If a child is going to grow into a truly special adult–someone who thinks, considers other points of view, has an open mind, and possesses the ability to discuss great ideas with other people–a love of reading is an essential foundation  (Grow Quotes) You can’t kill the past by denying the past. You can kill it only by making it obsolete. And even in that, you have to find honor in the past. You can’t hack off pieces of yourself, and expect them to grow again  (Grow Quotes) Every relationship has a spiritual purpose that helps us grow and become stronger. Sometimes, our most challenging relationships bring the greatest personal blessings. From them we learn about forgiveness, patience, and other virtues  (Grow Quotes) Children do not grow up all of a piece; look for the child of seven, especially to take many backward glances at the way he has come, while bounds and leaps unevenly ahead in his growth  (Grow Quotes) Help young people. Help small guys. Because small guys will be big. Young people will have the seeds you bury in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world  (Grow Quotes) When we choose the path of love, we grow spiritually, help others, and balance our karma  (Grow Quotes) During an earthquake it sometimes happens that fresh springs break out in dry places which water and quicken the land so that plants can grow. In the same way the shattering experiences of suffering can cause the living water to well up in a human heart  (Grow Quotes) If your life is ever going to get better, you’ll have to take risks. There is simply no way you can grow without taking chances  (Grow Quotes) The only reps you don’t grow from are the ones you don’t do  (Grow Quotes) I feel like life is so special and so great, every year I feel like I learn more, and I grow, and I think it’s exciting to grow up  (Grow Quotes) Even idiots can grow up a little bit. It should be a bit more subdued... The first celebration should be subdued, and the fourth one should be crazy  (Grow Quotes) The creative strength is good enough and deep enough to bring itself to flower and to grow in spite of this sickness  (Grow Quotes) Sometimes, she thought, life makes you grow up early. And some people never grow up at all  (Grow Quotes) You rest now. Rest for longer than you are used to resting. Make a stillness around you, a field of peace. Your best work, the best time of your life will grow out of this peace  (Grow Quotes) If students get a sound education in the history, social effects and psychological biases of technology, they may grow to be adults who use technology rather than be used by it  (Grow Quotes) We need real farmers who grow real food, and the will to reform a broken food system. And for that, we need not only to celebrate farmers, but also to advocate for them  (Grow Quotes)
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