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I did not grow up in poverty. But I did grow up with a poor boy’s sense of longing, in my case not for what my family had never had, but for what we had had and lost  (Grow Quotes) Every year I try to grow as a player and not get stuck in a rut. I try to improve my game in every way possible. But that trait is not something I’ve worked on, it’s part of me  (Grow Quotes) We are talking. It’s a shame. What is said is murdered. Our words that will not grow any bigger or any lovelier will wilt inside our bones. Words wither feelings  (Grow Quotes) Some people think that as soon as you plant a tree, it must bear fruit. We must allow it to grow a bit  (Grow Quotes) If you like cats and have some, you get kittens; and if you like kittens and enjoy having them about, they grow up and you get more cats  (Grow Quotes) Not all friendships take a long time to grow and deepen. Some are formed in an instant  (Grow Quotes) Perhaps the unattached, the unwanted, the unloved, could grow to give love as lushly as anyone else  (Grow Quotes) If it was true that moss did not have roots, and maternal love could grow spontaneously, as if from nothing, perhaps I had been wrong to believe myself unfit to raise my daughter. Perhaps the unattached, the unwanted, the unloved, could grow to give love as lushly as anyone else  (Grow Quotes) I knew early on that we needed to settle the food problem because if you can grow food it’s empowering. In fact I believe growing food is one of the most dangerous occupations on the face of this earth because you’re in danger of becoming free  (Grow Quotes) I think it is important to grow. Your fans are growing up with you whether you like it or not. You have to keep it fresh and exciting for them. You have to bring something new to the table each time  (Grow Quotes) The source of most human violence and suffering has been a hidden children’s holocaust throughout history, whereby billions of innocent human beings have been routinely murdered, bound, starved, raped, mutilated, battered, and tortured by their parents and other caregivers, so that they grow up as emotionally crippled adults and become vengeful time bombs who periodically restage their early traumas in sacrificial rites called wars  (Grow Quotes) I think this is what real love is like.. Wanting to be together as they grow older  (Grow Quotes) Your world could grow infinitely bigger if you were only willing to become... appropri ately small  (Grow Quotes) When you’re in an industry where you’re forced to grow up so quickly, part of you never grows up, and that’s a good thing  (Grow Quotes) I’m definitely careful. I’m not reckless or stupid, but that’s how I was raised, to not be stupid or immature in as far as trying to grow up too quickly or putting forward a certain image that isn’t me  (Grow Quotes) I realized that the artists who managed to fight through this recession have a better shot at longevity than most. The recession was a test of your resolve and passion. I think as we come out of these rough times we will be more adept at survival and will have gained the skills necessary to make a long fruitful artistic career. There will still be those that fade away but we are more likely to grow and bend with the times and prosper  (Grow Quotes) Be the kind of person you want to be attracted to. You will find that you are less and less drawn to people with difficult character issues and more desirous to find people who are full of grace, safety, acceptance, and a hunger to grow  (Grow Quotes) While games are fun to play, children should grow up not just being the consumers of technology but also the creators of technology  (Grow Quotes) The only way to grow the economy in a way that benefits the bottom 90 percent is to change the structure of the economy. At the least, this requires stronger unions and a higher minimum wage  (Grow Quotes) If you are weak, dependent upon others, inclined to allow yourself to be dominated by opinion, to take root wherever you see a little soil, make for yourself a shield that will resist everything, for if you yield to your weaker nature you will not grow, you will dry up like a dead plant, and you will bear neither fruit nor flowers. The sap of your life will dissipate into the formation of a useless bark; all your actions will be as colorless as the leaves of the willow; you will have no tears to water you, but those from your own eyes, to nourish you, no heart but your own  (Grow Quotes) I believe in process. I believe in four seasons. I believe that winter’s tough, but spring’s coming. I believe that there’s a growing season. And I think that you realize that in life, you grow. You get better  (Grow Quotes) I plant rosemary all over the garden, so pleasant is it to know that at every few steps one may draw the kindly branchlets through one’s hand, and have the enjoyment of their incomparable incense; and I grow it against walls, so that the sun may draw out its inexhaustible sweetness to greet me as I pass  (Grow Quotes) Who said it first? We don’t know, but very often we find the same ideas attributed to two different people. All we can do is give you both... The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper  (Grow Quotes) Your greatest creation is your creative life. It’s all in your hands. Rejection can’t take it away; reviews can’t take it away. The life you create for yourself as an artist, may be the only thing that’s really yours. Create a life you can center yourself in calmly as you wait for your work to grow  (Grow Quotes) If one burdens the future with one’s worries, it cannot grow organically. I am filled with confidence, not that I shall succeed in worldly things, but that even when things go badly for me I shall still find life good and worth living  (Grow Quotes) Eternity has no gray hairs. The flowers fade, the heart withers, people grow old and die, the world lies down in the sepulchre of ages, but time writes no wrinkles on the brow of eternity  (Grow Quotes) Trees don’t grow even, they don’t grow straight just however it makes them happy  (Grow Quotes) The five kinds of grains are considered good plants, but if the grains are not ripe, they are worse than cockles. It is the same with regard to kindness, which must grow into maturity  (Grow Quotes) I believe that virtually everyone has the ability to either grow some food at home, or to find an appropriate location to start a garden. I may sound like a kook who plants my landscape with cucumbers instead of carnations, peppers instead of petunias, and fruit trees rather than ficus, but I am convinced that wherever you go, you can grow food! Now is the time for us to join together and plant the seeds that will transform the places in which we live  (Grow Quotes) I envision a day when every city and town has front and back yards, community gardens and growing spaces, nurtured into life by neighbors who are no longer strangers, but friends who delight in the edible rewards offered from a garden they discovered together. Imagine small strips of land between apartment buildings that have been turned into vegetable gardens, and urban orchards planted at schools and churches to grow food for our communities. The seeds of the urban farming movement already are growing within our reality  (Grow Quotes)
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