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Come back when you grow up girl, you’re still living in a paper doll world  (Grow Quotes) I grow increasingly aware, and in more ways than expected that I am at the center of my own field; and whether it be folly or wisdom, it is a very pleasant feeling  (Grow Quotes) My daddy served in the army where he lost his right eye, but he flew a flag out in our yard until the day that he died. He wanted my mother, my brother, my sister and me, to grow up and live happy in the land of the free  (Grow Quotes) Growing is a lifetime job, and we grow most when we’re down in the valleys, where the fertilizer is  (Grow Quotes) I love to hand sew. I sometimes make clothing for my children, which of course they grow out of in a matter of minutes. I thoroughly love it  (Grow Quotes) That’s what’s great about the arts. Everything inspires you, and you get a chance to grow from watching other people and how they do their work  (Grow Quotes) I was a very determined kid. I couldn’t imagine any other life for myself. This happens to kids who are different in any way. How am I going to make a life? Who am I going to be when I grow up? Will there be a place for me in the world? Acting gave me a sense of purpose, but it also gave me a sense that I would survive, that I would find my place  (Grow Quotes) As you’re growing up, it’s odd, because directors don’t expect you to grow up. They think you’ll be young forever, but as an actor, there is an awkward period when you’re too young for old or too old for young, and it can be an odd time  (Grow Quotes) I didn’t just grow up in one environment, so it was easy for me, as a child, just to imitate and just be all these different people  (Grow Quotes) As a child, I always liked dressing up and getting into character, and actors are lucky in being able to retain that playfulness, though we do seem to find it hard to grow up  (Grow Quotes) One of my modeling bookers told me that the most important thing is to try to be vigilant about taking care of yourself. Get sleep, don’t be afraid to trim your hair even if you’re trying to grow it out, don’t bite your fingernails, and stay in shape. A lot of it is in the little things  (Grow Quotes) It’s easy for people to grow up in our society believing that certain lifestyles are risk free when they certainly are not  (Grow Quotes) I like stuff designed by dead people. The old designers. They always got it right because they didn’t have to grow up with computers. All of the people that made the spoon and the dishes and the vacuum cleaner didn’t have microprocessors and stuff. You could do a good design back then  (Grow Quotes) If you change a character too much, the audience falls out of love with the character, but characters need to evolve and grow over the years  (Grow Quotes) There is a major turning point in life when you have to decide: shall I grow old gracefully or shall I try everything to stem the tide? For me, that point came in 2001, when I stopped dyeing my hair  (Grow Quotes) I generally disagree with most of the very high margin opportunities. Why? Because it’s a business strategy tradeoff: the lower the margin you take, the faster you grow  (Grow Quotes) Well, capitalism is going to grow and grow. The nature of it is that the guy who has the most poker chips on the table has more leverage than everyone else. He can eventually outbluff everyone else and outraise everyone else at the table. That’s what has happened and it needs to be corrected  (Grow Quotes) Playing and fun are not the same thing, though when we grow up we may forget that and find ourselves mixing up playing with happiness. There can be a kind of amnesia about the seriousness of playing, especially when we played by ourselves  (Grow Quotes) The odds are definitely better on getting the right job than getting a good partner for life. Someone who will grow with you. Someone to develop memories with. Someone who was there in the beginning. Someone who will be there at the end  (Grow Quotes) I grew up going to school and high school and then shooting a movie for a few months. It’s an odd way to grow up and is kind of forced maturity  (Grow Quotes) A lot of the time with child actors, you get the feeling they’re trying to have a kind of poise or presentation that’s beyond their years that might be put on, but also might be because they’ve spent years just hanging out with adults and they don’t even have a sense of what it’s like to grow up with kids their own age  (Grow Quotes) Many very strong fathers have turned out ineffectual sons by not allowing them to grow as men  (Grow Quotes) I’m not gonna be able to grow a beard. I’ve realized my limitations as a human  (Grow Quotes) Like so many other kids with special needs, I have been bullied. Kids in elementary school made me eat sand, and those same boys would walk behind me, teasing me. Finally I had enough, and I told them to grow up  (Grow Quotes) There’s a generation now that didn’t grow up in nature. Some of these adults are parents and they know that nature is good for their kids but they don’t know where to start  (Grow Quotes) I was blessed to grow up in really interesting times and to go back to a home where I was very safe  (Grow Quotes) I knew I would grow up and wear a costume one day, and that’s exactly what happened  (Grow Quotes) Every leader wants to put his or her imprint on the work that they do, and grow up in specific eras  (Grow Quotes) I can’t age on the inside, and I’m totally okay with that. I have no need to grow up and see myself as mature  (Grow Quotes) I still think most writers are just kids who refuse to grow up. We’re still playing imaginary games, with our imaginary friends  (Grow Quotes)
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