Growing Older Quotes

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When I was growing up, I would go hang out with older guys at night in blues clubs (Growing Older Quotes)
It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen (Growing Older Quotes)
Growing old is not growing up (Growing Older Quotes)
Growing older doesn’t bother me (Growing Older Quotes)
Now is the time to become a myth (Growing Older Quotes)
Everything that rises sets, and everything that grows, grows old (Growing Older Quotes)
Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty (Growing Older Quotes)
Growing older, you respect the whole culture behind Nirvana (Growing Older Quotes)
Hopefully, one enhances [when growing older] his sense of humor. As he approaches 50, he’ll need all the humor he can get (Growing Older Quotes)
George Macdonald said, ‘If you knew what God knows about death you would clap your listless hands’, but instead I find old people in North America just buying this whole youth obsession. I think growing older is a wonderful privilege. I want to learn to glorify God in every stage of my life (Growing Older Quotes)
To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I’ve ever written (Growing Older Quotes)
Instead, he sat in the parlor of his family’s Fifth Avenue mansion, growing older by the minute just like everybody else. (Growing Older Quotes)
I kind of like the idea of living a rather ordinary life as a shopkeeper, and I examine that possibility as one of the outcomes of the young Gerald Bostock growing older. (Growing Older Quotes)
Growing older is mainly an ordeal of the imagination-a moral disease, a social pathology (Growing Older Quotes)
O Day after day we can’t help growing older. Year after year spring can’t help seeming younger. Come let’s enjoy our winecup today, Nor pity the flowers fallen. (Growing Older Quotes)
Writing music obviously comes from being inspired by things, and big changes in your life, and relationships and growing older and being more independent. (Growing Older Quotes)
There are compensations for growing older. One is the realization that to be sporting isn’t at all necessary. It is a great relief to reach this stage of wisdom (Growing Older Quotes)
And Finally I put down the last and the best advice I knew, on growing older. ‘Stand up straight and try not to get fat (Growing Older Quotes)
In New Mexico, he always awoke a young man, not until he arose and began to shave did he realize that he was growing older. His first consciousness was a sense of the light dry wind blowing in through the windows, with the fragrance of hot sun and sage-brush and sweet clover; a wind that made one’s body feel light and one’s heart cry ‘To-day, to-day,’ like a child’s (Growing Older Quotes)
There’s a growing trend of older Americans who are using marijuana in their retirement. That makes sense because old people are always talking about their joints (Growing Older Quotes)
I’ve looked forward to being older because you will have that many more miles covered. We mustn’t be led into thinking getting old is bad. Growing old is good. (Growing Older Quotes)
In honesty, there are probably a lot of stories that can be told with Batman. I like the idea of him growing older and he can’t quite do it as much anymore (Growing Older Quotes)
For guys, growing older is fine. Gray hair and wrinkles aren’t considered a bad thing. (Growing Older Quotes)
Love lights more fires than hate extinguishes, and men grow better as the world grows old (Growing Older Quotes)
Growing old becomes clear to you at a certain point. I think it’s after the age of 70 you realize - you begin to actually be convinced - you’re growing older (Growing Older Quotes)
When granted many years of life, growing old in age is natural, but growing old with grace is a choice. Growing older with grace is possible for all who will set their hearts and minds on the Giver of grace, the Lord Jesus Christ (Growing Older Quotes)
Everything you do is autobiographical. Yeah, I grew up in a town called Redding and I had older brothers and sisters so it’s all my memories of growing up (Growing Older Quotes)
One pleasure attached to growing older is that many things seem to be growing younger; growing fresher and more lively than we once supposed them to be. (Growing Older Quotes)
I prayed to rediscover my childhood, and it has come back, and I feel that it is just as difficult as it used to be, and that growing older has served no purpose at all. (Growing Older Quotes)
One of the many troubles of growing older is that it gets progressively harder to find a famous historical figure who hadn’t yet amounted to anything by the time he was your age. (Growing Older Quotes)