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Growing Population Quotes

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China is building cities for a 20 to 40 percent increase in population. India is quickly growing. The carbon footprints of that and other development around the world are overwhelming.  (Growing Population Quotes) But we are not going to be able to survive on this limited planet if the population keeps on growing: there isn’t going to be anything left.  (Growing Population Quotes) The Asia Pacific is home to nearly half the world’s population, a growing middle class and holds so much opportunity for us all.  (Growing Population Quotes) It seems to me that most things that are being made are designed for young people. There aren’t that many depictions of melancholic older people, even though they form a growing proportion of the population.  (Growing Population Quotes) I don’t believe in a biological apocalypse, but I think there is stormy biological weather ahead as the human population continues to grow.  (Growing Population Quotes) I’ve made a commitment that state spending in Vermont won’t grow any more than the rate of inflation plus population growth.  (Growing Population Quotes) The debate around the ageing population should, in my view, focus much more on how we grow the active, working population.  (Growing Population Quotes) Reaching out to Hispanics is critical to our future. The fastest-growing, and most conservative, segment of the population are natural Republicans.  (Growing Population Quotes) As a great man’s influence never ends, so also there is not definite finality, no end, to a great survey; it runs along for centuries, ever responsive to the strain of the increasing needs of a growing population and an enlarging domain.  (Growing Population Quotes) A country’s economic growth may be defined as a long-term rise in capacity to supply increasingly diverse economic goods to its population, this growing capacity based on advancing technology and the institutional and ideological adjustments that it demands.  (Growing Population Quotes) As the nation’s elderly population grows, dozens of industries have tried to harness the political might of older Americans for corporate goals.  (Growing Population Quotes) To balance China, the democracies will need new friends - and India with its fast-growing economy, youthful population, and democratic politics seems the obvious candidate.  (Growing Population Quotes) Turkey has a young and growing population. Until recently, this was perceived as a problem, a burden that Turkey would bring to the E.U. But it is, in fact, an asset that can help the population deficit of the E.U. and the economic growth of Turkey  (Growing Population Quotes) When I was born, the world’s population was 3.5 billion. There are now 6.8 billion people on the planet. By 2050, that’s expected to rise to 9.4 billion. What’s more, the Earth’s resources aren’t growing; they’re decreasing - and rapidly  (Growing Population Quotes) This growing poverty in the midst of growing population constitutes a permanent menace to peace. And not only to peace, but also to democratic institutions and personal liberty For overpopulation is not compatible with freedom  (Growing Population Quotes) Can a growing human population still leave space for wildlife?  (Growing Population Quotes) Every time we share something rather than own it ourselves, we reduce the stress on the planet. That could make the critical difference as the global population continues to grow  (Growing Population Quotes) Latinas are the fastest growing segment of the minority population, and their perspective deserves to be represented, not denigrated  (Growing Population Quotes) With a growing population, there is a growing need for more water delivery and storage  (Growing Population Quotes) Economic growth won’t feed a growing population living on this finite planet  (Growing Population Quotes) In a region with a growing population, if you’re doing nothing, you’re losing ground  (Growing Population Quotes) As a great man’s influence never ends, so also there is not definite finality, no end, to a great survey; it runs along for centuries, ever responsive to the strain of the increasing needs of a growing population and an enlarging domain  (Growing Population Quotes) Since 1850, burning of fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas has increased 100 times to produce energy as the world has industrialized to serve the world’s more than 6 billion and growing population  (Growing Population Quotes)