Growing Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s really going to happen. I really won’t ever go back to school. Not ever. I’ll never be famous or leave anything worthwhile behind. I’ll never go to college or have a job. I won’t see my brother grow up. I won’t travel, never earn money, never drive, never fall in love or leave home or get my own house. It’s really, really true. A thought stabs up, growing from my toes and ripping through me, until it stifles everything else and becomes the only thing I’m thinking. It fills me up like a silent scream (Growing Quotes)
I used to think that when I grew up there wouldn’t be so many rules. Back in elementary school there were rules about what entrance you used in the morning, what door you used going home, when you could talk in the library, how many paper towels you could use in the rest room, and how many drinks of water you could get during recess. And there was always somebody watching to make sure. What I’m finding out about growing older is that there are just as many rules about lots of things, but there’s nobody watching (Growing Quotes)
Forgive the past. It is over. Learn from it and let go. People are constantly changing and growing. Do not cling to a limited, disconnected, negative image of a person in the past. See that person now. Your relationship is always alive and changing (Growing Quotes)
My love for him had never gone away but only changed, growing deeper like wine fermenting or pickles curing. It bore into me with the pervasiveness of water working its way to the center of a mountain (Growing Quotes)
The job of every generation is to discover the flaws of the one that came before it. That’s part of growing up, figuring out all the ways your parents and their friends are broken (Growing Quotes)
Courage cannot be left like bones in a bag. It must be brought out and shown the light again and again, growing stronger each time. If you think it will keep for the times you need it, you are wrong. It is like any other part of your strength. If you ignore it, the bag will be empty when you need it most (Growing Quotes)
The woods were deserted that day. The stones stood still and silent, as though they were waiting for something. At the center of them all, a jagged piece of amber glowed in the growing darkness. Lights fizzed softly around it, turning pink, orange, purple, blue. No one saw it. No one ever did. Why would they? No one knoew about its magic, not anymore. They had forgotten all about such magic a long, long time ago. About the same time they stopped believing in faries. How foolish (Growing Quotes)
The most wonderful of all things in life is the discovery of another human being with whom one’s relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life (Growing Quotes)
A prolonged silence ensues. The reason for the silence is our growing interest one for the other. No one is aware of it, no one yet; no one? am I quite sure? (Growing Quotes)
I have only danced my life. As a child I danced the spontaneous joy of growing things. As an adolescent, I danced with joy turning to apprehension of the first realisation of tragic undercurrents; apprehension of the pitiless brutality and crushing progress of life (Growing Quotes)
.. the fields might fall to fallow and the birds might stop their song awhile; the growing things might die and lie in silence under snow, while through it all the cold sea wore its face of storms and death and sunken hopes... and yet unseen beneath the waves a warmer current ran that, in its time, would bring the spring (Growing Quotes)
Living means constantly growing closer to death. Satisfaction only temporarily relieves hunger. Find the balance, and plant your feet (Growing Quotes)
Everyone else we knew growing up is the same: image of their parents, no matter how loud they told themselves they’d be different (Growing Quotes)
Most of us, as we undergo the growing up process, do not get what we want or even what we should. We get what we have, and no more, and we find out how to make what we have work for us (Growing Quotes)
A man’s past keeps growing, even when his future has come to a full stop (Growing Quotes)
... we’re just kids growing up on an island, doing bad things in pretty places (Growing Quotes)
The dead leave their shadows, an echo of the space within which once they lived. They haunt us, never fading or growing older as we do. The loss we grieve is not just their futures but our own (Growing Quotes)
Life is change. If you aren’t growing and evolving, you’re standing still, and the rest of the world is surging ahead (Growing Quotes)
It was a sign of growing up, when the dark made no more difference to you than the day (Growing Quotes)
Alexander smoked and watched her from his tree stump bench. What are you doing? she would ask him. Nothing, he would reply. Nothing but growing my pain into madness (Growing Quotes)
This was another item about growing up: you encountered all the cliches of love and loss and heartbreak (Growing Quotes)
Youth is but the painted shell within which, continually growing, lives that wondrous thing the spirit of a man, biding its moment of apparition, earlier in some than in others (Growing Quotes)
Maybe, there’s a moment growing up when something peels back... Maybe, maybe, we look for secrets because we can’t believe our mind (Growing Quotes)
Look forward to the wonderment of growing up, raising a family and driving by the gas station where the popular kids now work (Growing Quotes)
When I was growing up we didn’t have a massive house and there were five women running around, so my dad and I had to stick together! (Growing Quotes)
There’ll be a growing disparity between economics and politics. An economy that grows so rapidly is intractably global. On the other hand, the current political system is intractably national. So there is a growing dichotomy between a global economy and locally based politics (Growing Quotes)
In financing growing companies, we always looked for human value that didn’t appear on the balance sheet (Growing Quotes)
We all have to expand our capabilities to encompass the changing world, its growing diversity and, indeed, its complexity (Growing Quotes)
I love the fall. I love it because of the smells that you speak of; and also because things are dying, things that you don’t have to take care of anymore, and the grass stops growing (Growing Quotes)
... there is simply nothing so important to a people and its government as how many of them there are, whether their number is growing or declining, how they are distributed as between different ages, sexes, and different social classes and racial and ethnic groups, and again, which way these numbers are moving (Growing Quotes)