Growing Quotes

Text Quotes
The world is not yet finished, but everyone is behaving as if everything was known. This is not true. In fact, the computer world as we know it is based upon one tradition that has been waddling along for the last fifty years, growing in size and ungainliness, and is essentially defining the way we do everything. My view is that today’s computer world is based on techie misunderstandings of human thought and human life. And the imposition of inappropriate structures throughout the computer is the imposition of inappropriate structures on the things we want to do in the human world (Growing Quotes)
If you find yourself perplexed, or perhaps in a quandary, remember that human growth is perpendicular. We grow up and we grow forward, we just have to keep on growing steadily in both ways (Growing Quotes)
Learning appears as a way of staying young, perhaps of staying alive, and also as a way of growing up, perhaps facing death (Growing Quotes)
It matters little where a man may be at this moment; the point is whether he is growing (Growing Quotes)
There’s something sexy in cooking for a man who likes my food. Am I growing up? (Growing Quotes)
I cling to my anger with every ounce of humanity left in my ruined body, but it’s no use. It slips away, like a wave from shore. I am pondering this sad fact when I realize the blackness of sleep is circling my head. It’s been there awhile, biding it’s time and growing closer with each revolution. I give up on rage, which at this point has become a formality, and make a mental note to get angry again in the morning. Then I let myself drift, because there’s really no fighting it (Growing Quotes)
Pain never really goes away; you just elevate and get used to it by growing stronger (Growing Quotes)
I became a vegetarian in 1958 and it was very difficult in those days to really maintain that because there weren’t many options... alternatives. But, now, it’s a growing trend because... the economics are there. See, there’s simply enough people demanding it that it’s profitable to supply vegetarians with those products (Growing Quotes)
We’re only truly secure when we can look out our kitchen window and see our food growing and our friends working nearby (Growing Quotes)
It’s like our daddies and moms always used to tell us growing up, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you earn (Growing Quotes)
I miss dogs, man. I always had a family pet, always had a dog growing up. It was almost equivalent to the prison sentence, having something taken away from me for three years. I want a dog just for the sake of my kids, but also me. I miss my companions (Growing Quotes)
Growing up, theres a lot of pressure to be normal. But normal isnt as fun as being yourself (Growing Quotes)
Life is about growing, but it’s also about making peace with who you are (Growing Quotes)
I give thanks that I am now rich, well and happy and that my financial affairs are in divine order. Every day in every way I am growing richer and richer (Growing Quotes)
In this time of extraordinary pressure, educational and social, perhaps a mother’s first duty to her children is to secure for them a quiet and growing time, a full six years of passive receptive life, the waking part of it for the most part spent out in the fresh air (Growing Quotes)
Every moment of one’s existence one is growing into more or retreating into less. One is always living a little more or dying a little bit (Growing Quotes)
Life is about growing, learning, and becoming. You can not grow, learn, or become if you can not embrace the changes in your life (Growing Quotes)
I have sympathy for young people, for their growing pains, but I balk when these growing pains are pushed into the foreground, when you make these young people the only vehicles of lifes wisdom (Growing Quotes)
Wasn’t growing catnip in one’s yard the kitty equivalent of giving candy to children? (Growing Quotes)
Growing up, my fascination was all things dinosaur, and as an adult, I’ve had some success making films about aliens, so this is a dream come true (Growing Quotes)
The process of writing a book is infinitely more important than the book that is completed as a result of the writing, let alone the success or failure that book may have after it is written... the book is merely a symbol of the writing. In writing the book, I am living. I am growing. I am tapping myself. I am changing. The process is the product (Growing Quotes)
Our customers want to give us more business and the key for us is to manage growing volumes properly (Growing Quotes)
It’s vital to be growing through your life rather than going through your life. The object is not to change other people or situations; it’s to do the inner work they stimulate (Growing Quotes)
Working in the garden... gives me a profound feeling of inner peace. Nothing here is in a hurry. There is no rush toward accomplishment, no blowing of trumpets. Here is the great mystery of life and growth. Everything is changing, growing, aiming at something, but silently, unboastfully, taking its time (Growing Quotes)
A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father (Growing Quotes)
One of the many troubles of growing older is that it gets progressively harder to find a famous historical figure who hadn’t yet amounted to anything by the time he was your age (Growing Quotes)
We are all smiling in the picture, three brothers having a grand old time just playing around in the living room, no agendas, no buried resentments or permanent scars. Even under the best of circumstances, there’s just something so damn tragic about growing up (Growing Quotes)
Even under the best of circumstances, there’s just something so damn tragic about growing up (Growing Quotes)
Start with a growing market. Swim in a stream that becomes a river and ultimately an ocean. Be a leader in that market, not a follower, and constantly build the best products possible (Growing Quotes)
I believe we are slowly turning into a socialist government. The government is continually growing bigger and more powerful and the people need to prepare to defend themselves against government control (Growing Quotes)