Grown Quotes

Text Quotes
One is never so dangerous when one has no shame, than when one has grown too old to blush (Grown Quotes)
When I was a little boy, they called me a liar, but now that I am grown up, they call me a writer (Grown Quotes)
Anyone who’s a parent dreads that call in the middle of the night. I have four grown children and I still dread it (Grown Quotes)
Fiction is to the grown man what play is to the child; it is there that he changes the atmosphere and tenor of his life (Grown Quotes)
Humans have grown like a cancer. We’re the biggest blight on the face of the earth (Grown Quotes)
It is no longer possible for lyric poetry to express the immensity of our experience. Life has grown too cumbersome, too complicated. We have acquired values which are best expressed in prose (Grown Quotes)
Grown men can learn from very little children for the hearts of little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss (Grown Quotes)
All these years I’ve been feeling like I was growing into myself. Finally, I feel grown (Grown Quotes)
If your little savage were left to himself and be allowed to retain all his ignorance, he would in time join the infant’s reasoning to the grown man’s passion, he would strangle his father and sleep with his mother (Grown Quotes)
Rome has grown since its humble beginnings that it is now overwhelmed by its own greatness (Grown Quotes)
Your legs will get heavy and tired. Then comes a moment of feeling the wings you’ve grown, lifting (Grown Quotes)
Religion seems to have grown an infant with age, and requires miracles to nurse it, as it had in its infancy (Grown Quotes)
What was once to me mere matter of the fancy now has grown the vast necessity of heart and life (Grown Quotes)
I was a serious kid to an absurd degree. I was overwhelmed with responsibility. You know, trying to play grown up. I overdid it (Grown Quotes)
We invented the car, and it made it easier for us to crash and die. If I gave a car to my grandfather, he would die in five minutes, while I have grown up slowly to accept speed (Grown Quotes)
Once you’ve grown to accept something and it becomes part of the system you’ve inherited, you don’t even notice it any longer (Grown Quotes)
As I’ve grown older, I’ve grown more convinced there’s nothing that shouldn’t be talked about. If we think we’re protecting each other, we’re not (Grown Quotes)
Most marriages are a mess, and the children get caught between two bitter, antagonistic parents. My parents stayed married for 27 unhappy years, till their kids were grown, and this was a catastrophe for us (Grown Quotes)
Once your kids are grown and you know that you’re completely healthy, consider canceling your life insurance policy (Grown Quotes)
Because of the life I’ve had, I’d grown up quicker than most people (Grown Quotes)
There’s an incredible comfort level that I have on film sets because it’s where I’ve grown up (Grown Quotes)
All people on the planet are children, except for a very few. No one is grown up except those free of desire (Grown Quotes)
The meaning of earthly existence lies not, as we have grown used to thinking, in prospering but in the development of the soul (Grown Quotes)
She had grown older. And he loved her more now than he had loved her when he understood her better, when she was the product of her parents. What she was now was what she herself had decided to become (Grown Quotes)
Grown men, he told himself, in flat contradiction of centuries of accumulated evidence about the way grown men behave, do not behave like this (Grown Quotes)
I have grown to love secrecy. It seems to be the one thing that can make modern life mysterious or marvelous to us. The commonest thing is delightful if only one hides it (Grown Quotes)
Never while anything is left of me shall this... camp be forgotten. It has fairly grown into me, not merely as memory pictures, but as part and parcel of mind and body alike (Grown Quotes)
You have grown abominably lazy, and you like gossip, and waste time on frivolous things, you are contented to be petted and admired by silly people, instead of being loved and respected by wise ones (Grown Quotes)
I think by the time you’re grown you’re as happy as you’re goin to be. You’ll have good times and bad times, but in the end you’ll be about as happy as you was before. Or as unhappy. I’ve knowed people that just never did get the hang of it (Grown Quotes)
Grown people know that they do not always know the way of things, and even if they think they know, they do not know where and how they got the proof (Grown Quotes)