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Guantanamo Quotes

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Guantanamo has become the gulag of our time  (Guantanamo Quotes) Guantanamo Bay is the anti-Statue of Liberty  (Guantanamo Quotes) As of September 2012, 168 out of the 602 released Guantanamo Bay detainees are suspected of returning to terrorism. So, is this a winning scenario for the United States? Of course not.  (Guantanamo Quotes) The best power of all is to be free, but Obama is not a free person. He is a prisoner of a military system. He talked about closing Guantanamo and ending the war in Iraq. Now he’s taken on another war. What’s happening?  (Guantanamo Quotes) Guantanamo Bay houses enemy combatants ranging from terrorist trainers and recruiters to bomb makers, would-be suicide bombers, and terrorist financiers.  (Guantanamo Quotes) I do not propose that everyone in Guantanamo or its evil twin at Bagram is innocent. I just don’t believe we should incarcerate people without trial and torture them or facilitate and profit from their torture.  (Guantanamo Quotes) The only subject fewer authentic Americans cared about than the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo was World Cup Soccer. America is an epic global battle with ruthless savages who seek our destruction, and liberals are feeling sorry for the terrorists.  (Guantanamo Quotes) The world is not kind to whistleblowers - a term of art with particular resonance in football, the most hierarchical and repressive of organized sports, a world of ‘systems’ and ‘programs’ and scripted plays, where reading a medical report requires a security clearance, and practice fields are patrolled like Guantanamo Bay.  (Guantanamo Quotes) I stand on my public record as a defender of the human rights of Muslims, notably my work for Moazzam Begg and other British Muslims detained without trial in Guantanamo Bay.  (Guantanamo Quotes) I think what’s going on in Guantanamo Bay and other places is a disgrace to the U.S.A. I wouldn’t say it’s the cause of terrorism, but it has given impetus and excuses to potential terrorists to lash out at our country and justify their despicable acts.  (Guantanamo Quotes) Obama’s failure to close Guantanamo is yet another instance where the rhetoric of democratic and constitutional rights proved not useful for his international relations, relations which are always pursued in ways that continue to link and fortify securitarian power with the opening of new markets.  (Guantanamo Quotes) I performed for the U.S. troops in Guantanamo Bay. And signed autographs for people who’ve been gone from America for so long they didn’t realize that I’m not famous.  (Guantanamo Quotes) At Guantanamo Bay, we could create a West Berlin, a free small city within the Communist nation that could trade freely with the U.S. and elect its own officials.  (Guantanamo Quotes) Sources say the Obama administration is in the ‘final stages’ of planning the closing of Guantanamo Bay. The way it’s gonna work is, they’re going to put a Radio Shack sign out front and let nature take its course.  (Guantanamo Quotes) When I visited Guantanamo Bay several years ago, I met a team of psychiatrists treating the detainees. When I asked how they distinguished between, say, schizophrenia or bipolarity and a bedrock religious commitment to holy war, they couldn’t answer.  (Guantanamo Quotes) Closing the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is a promise President [Barack] Obama made it but has yet to fulfill.  (Guantanamo Quotes) Anyway, the [Barack] Obama administration took four years to say they weren’t gonna do anything on George W. Bush. There were all kinds of people that wanted to prosecute him over the torture, quote, unquote, at Guantanamo Bay.  (Guantanamo Quotes) The time has come for President Obama to formally rescind his order to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and end his irresponsible allegations of injustices at the facility, which operates in a framework that respects the rule of law, keeps terrorists off American soil, and bolsters our national security.  (Guantanamo Quotes) The important thing here to understand is that the people that are at Guantanamo are bad people. I mean, these are terrorists for the most part  (Guantanamo Quotes) It wasn’t a conscious decision to actually make a movie about Guantanamo Bay. It was a device.  (Guantanamo Quotes) As an infantry officer who served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay, I have led men in combat and trained them on tactics and strategy. The mission of the infantry is to ‘close with, and destroy, the enemy.’ Our job, in a direct way, is to fight and win wars.  (Guantanamo Quotes) Let me say this: I believe closing Guantanamo is in our Nation’s national security interest. Guantanamo is used not only by al-Qaida, but also by other nations, governments, and individuals - people good and bad - as a symbol of America’s abuse of Muslims, and it is fanning the flames of anti-Americanism around the world.  (Guantanamo Quotes) As I detail in my new book: ‘Hard Measures, How Aggressive CIA Actions After 9/11 Saved American Lives,’ there are many myths surrounding the detention of a relatively small number of top terrorists at CIA-run ‘black sites’ from 2002 until they were sent to Guantanamo Bay in 2006.  (Guantanamo Quotes) The steep decline in America’s image and standing after 9/11 is a direct reflection of global distaste for the instruments of American hard power: the Iraq invasion, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, torture, rendition, Blackwater’s killings of Iraqi civilians  (Guantanamo Quotes) I think you have to repudiate torture and I think you have to end what’s going on at Guantanamo and you have to live up to American values. Basically you restore - what the American dream brought to the world stage was respect for the individual and the idea that people aren’t pawns that rulers can push around but they have rights  (Guantanamo Quotes) Obviously this prison has been controversial ever since the first detainees arrived in Guantanamo more than 14 years ago  (Guantanamo Quotes) Closing the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is a promise President [Barack] Obama made it but has yet to fulfill  (Guantanamo Quotes) Our actions in the Middle East over the last 15 years have already guaranteed radical Muslims quite enough ammunition to kill Americans for the next century, even if Guantanamo did not exist  (Guantanamo Quotes) Guantanamo Bay houses enemy combatants ranging from terrorist trainers and recruiters to bomb makers, would-be suicide bombers, and terrorist financiers  (Guantanamo Quotes) Second, the facility at Guantanamo Bay is necessary to national security  (Guantanamo Quotes)
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