Guard thee from the power of evil; who cannot trust, vows to the devil

Guard thee from the power of evil; who cannot trust, vows to the devil
Margaret Fuller was a prominent American writer, journalist, and women's rights advocate in the 19th century. She was known for her strong beliefs in individualism, self-reliance, and the power of the human spirit. Fuller was a trailblazer in her time, challenging societal norms and advocating for the rights of women and marginalized groups.The quote "Guard thee from the power of evil; who cannot trust, vows to the devil" speaks to Fuller's belief in the importance of staying true to oneself and being vigilant against the forces of evil. Fuller understood the power of evil in the world and the importance of trusting in one's own instincts and values to guard against it. She believed that those who could not trust in themselves were vulnerable to being swayed by malevolent forces.
Fuller's own life was marked by struggles and challenges, but she remained steadfast in her convictions and beliefs. She faced criticism and opposition for her outspoken views on women's rights, education, and social reform, but she never wavered in her commitment to fighting for what she believed was right. Fuller's courage and determination in the face of adversity serve as a powerful example of the importance of trusting in oneself and standing up against evil.