Guess Quotes

Text Quotes
I guess because people are more aware of who I am, they’re going to wonder about my personal life (Guess Quotes)
I guess I’m attracted to more archaic words because they can be imbued with more meaning, because their definition is elusive (Guess Quotes)
I guess I’ve been making records since I was 16, and even when 50 people bought them, I thought that was amazing (Guess Quotes)
I’m so not scary. I’m a pussycat. But what are you going to do, right? I mean, these cheekbones, and I guess these eyes, and the big nose... this is what my momma and my poppa gave to me, and that’s the deal (Guess Quotes)
I guess you’re happy if you have some kind of balance in you. I’m a human being. I have days when I feel paralyzed, days when I feel like a slug. Then I have days when I have good energy, I’ve read the newspaper and I’ve done different things (Guess Quotes)
Every day I’m trying to be more humble and how do you do that? I guess, every day, we have mass. Every day, I pray the rosary. That’s what I do (Guess Quotes)
I guess I am basically most comfortable when I’m alone. As a kid, I was very much a loner. I love long distance running and long distance biking. A director once pointed out that those are all very isolated exercises you do for hours at a time (Guess Quotes)
I guess the biggest challenge to doing any kind of animation voice work is that you only have your voice to tell the story (Guess Quotes)
I guess I feel very strongly that I disagree with the notion of personalizing history and movements and big events (Guess Quotes)
I don’t love football the way I once loved the game. I don’t look at it as fun anymore, and it definitely used to be fun. A lot of the fun has been taken away from it, I guess, because you go through so much on the field and off the field (Guess Quotes)
All through my life, I didn’t really consider my eyes at all, and then I became an actress. It’s great, I guess. They’re just in my face, and one is green and one is blue. It’s different, and I’m definitely a proponent of being different in any way you can in life, so I guess if you’re born a bit different that’s a good thing (Guess Quotes)
I actually wanted to become a model agent, and went into what ended up becoming my first agency for a job interview. They ended up suggesting I model instead. I guess I sort of fell into it (Guess Quotes)
It all felt like a terribly long time. It would have meant that I had to make five movies in five years and if you don’t like the movies, too bad. I guess I just wanted my freedom, and I think my life has been incredibly enhanced as a result (Guess Quotes)
Before, I guess, mum and dad were everything, but now, in my case, I had two new girls and all of a sudden they’re completely dependent on you and there’s a third generation. It’s a funny shift all of a sudden. You have the babies, you have yourself and then you have your parents (Guess Quotes)
And I guess I have a face and a look that sort of lends itself to period costume! (Guess Quotes)
I studied voice when I was at school, and I was in the chamber choir, and I studied music theory as well, so I guess a lot of it came from being taught at school (Guess Quotes)
Before getting meningitis, I was such a hypochondriac, worrying about the slightest ache. Ironically, I overlooked meningitis because the symptoms seemed like flu. I guess you don’t realise how healthy you are until it is taken away from you (Guess Quotes)
I guess I lost my way, there were so many roads. I was living to run, and running to live, never worried about paying or even how much I owed (Guess Quotes)
I let my eyes deceive me from the start, they told me I wanted her more than I wanted you. Guess my eyes were bigger than my heart (Guess Quotes)
I look fine. I’ve had no surgery apart from an operation I had decades ago to remove the fat under my eyes. My mum looked 30 when she was 60, so I guess I owe it all to genes and hair dye (Guess Quotes)
My mother was always working for a job, so I guess I was always trained that I should have multiple jobs, multiple aspirations. And I remember she had multiple aspirations, always hearing about her dreams and things she did in the past and things she wanted to do (Guess Quotes)
I see myself as a creative being. My only fear is compromising my integrity. I guess that’s a constant struggle (Guess Quotes)
Does our culture have a need for violence? I don’t know. I guess it’s a personal thing (Guess Quotes)
Mature? Yeah, I get told that a lot. I don’t know if it’s true. I guess I try to be bright (Guess Quotes)
I always tend to see, right after reading the script, the character and how I want to play it. I guess that’s sort of most of the work, preparing for the role, but almost the creation of the character seems to go on as I read through the script (Guess Quotes)
By packaging a full album into a bundle of music with ringtones, videos and other combinations and variations, we found products that consumers demonstrably valued and were willing to purchase at premium prices. And guess what? We’ve sold tons of them (Guess Quotes)
When I am writing a story it feels as real as the life I am experiencing off the page. It’s an emotional illusion, I guess (Guess Quotes)
I’ve been accused many times of not talking very much, but I guess I don’t believe in talking things to death. You can talk too much on most anything and it stops being productive. There is a time for action. Eventually you have to pull the trigger (Guess Quotes)
Everything I do is a reflection of the duality within me. Musically, I really love things that are very synthetic and unnatural. And I also like the organic and human... the intrinsic, I guess (Guess Quotes)
Growing up listening to rap music, you almost feel like you should have haters. That’s an important part of being a successful musician. It’s a good thing, I guess (Guess Quotes)