Guess Quotes

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I guess you could say the beginning of my career as an actress was when I started performing in music videos. (Guess Quotes)
All musicians need a day job in the beginning. Unless they still live with their parents, I guess. I’m just lucky that my day job is simply another form of art. (Guess Quotes)
I probably shouldn’t say this about all animals, but at least the farm animals that I’ve hung out with, and even when I go to the zoo usually, they’re like a blank slate. I guess that’s why I like them. They’re puppets, and you can imagine them being anything you want. (Guess Quotes)
It’s interesting - I think superheroes get much more unfair derision. There are so many good superhero books being done. Science fiction is almost more reputable, I guess, at least a step up from poor superheroes. (Guess Quotes)
In my career I have never felt that my being a woman was an obstacle or an advantage. I guess I’ve been oblivious. (Guess Quotes)
I guess not being able to hear just made me adventurous and daring. And in most cases, that didn’t make my parents very happy with me. (Guess Quotes)
I guess the idea of doing albums in their entirety, in sequence, appeals to people. I guess it’s the memory of being able to hear the music in the way it was originally presented. (Guess Quotes)
Broadway is another monster. I’ve been touring since I was 12 years old and I love being on the road - one day you’re here, next day it’s snowing, and the next you are in a desert and it’s 110 degrees. So I guess I’m kind of used to the madness physically that you go to when you are an entertainer. But it’s been great. (Guess Quotes)
I don’t think about becoming a head coach. I really don’t. I’m not oblivious of people who mention it. When you are in any business, people expect to aspire to the top. I guess everyone is supposed to aspire to being the man at the top of the heap. But I never have. (Guess Quotes)
It’s nice that people want to compliment you in some superficial way, but I’ve never considered that that’s how I might be categorized. I guess it’s better than being called ugly. (Guess Quotes)
All through my life, I didn’t really consider my eyes at all, and then I became an actress. It’s great, I guess. They’re just in my face, and one is green and one is blue. It’s different, and I’m definitely a proponent of being different in any way you can in life, so I guess if you’re born a bit different that’s a good thing. (Guess Quotes)
I guess I’m a pretty curious person. I like doing new things. I like being challenged. I’m competitive. Trying to beat my personal best. (Guess Quotes)
I guess I’m interested in people who are very sophisticated in intellectual ways, while being completely off the mark in emotional ones, with these huge blind spots in terms of their own behavior. (Guess Quotes)
I see myself as a creative being. My only fear is compromising my integrity. I guess that’s a constant struggle. (Guess Quotes)
I think Sweden is known for people being a bit more quiet than other cultures, and I guess it’s a mixture: shyness and leaving room for other people to talk. Of course, when people get drunk, all of that disappears. (Guess Quotes)
I’m very bubbly, so when people meet me, they sometimes think I’m fake. I’m excited to meet new people, but I guess I sound like I’m being sarcastic. (Guess Quotes)
I’m very bubbly, so when people meet me, they sometimes think I’m fake. I’m excited to meet new people, but I guess I sound I’m being sarcastic. (Guess Quotes)
The hardest thing about being famous? Just working I guess. Just work. The famous part’s the luxury. (Guess Quotes)
I sense from people that they get frustrated with me for not being out and about. But I guess I’m a shy boy. (Guess Quotes)
I think videos are really hard. I’m yet to be happy with a video. It’s very weird watching yourself on camera, which I guess I’m going to have to get used to. I love the thought of being in them, but it’s one thing to say that and another to actually do it. (Guess Quotes)
Actually, I’ve never thought myself as being a particularly hard worker. I’ve always worked, and I guess my mind is busy all the time. I’ve been in a lot of things just because of my own intellectual curiosity. (Guess Quotes)
I guess I’d like to be known for being an innovator, fostering creativity, thinking outside the box. You know, keeping people playful. (Guess Quotes)
I didn’t mean to live in Portland. It was kind of an accident - I mean, the equivalent of my car breaking down there and me being like, ‘Well... I guess this is what I’m doing. I just can’t find a better alternate.’ (Guess Quotes)
I guess if you’re independent, not afraid of much, and extremely stylish, that makes you a pretty good candidate for being a New Yorker. (Guess Quotes)
I guess you’re happy if you have some kind of balance in you. I’m a human being. I have days when I feel paralyzed, days when I feel like a slug. Then I have days when I have good energy, I’ve read the newspaper and I’ve done different things. (Guess Quotes)
I guess I’m attracted to these off beat roles because my life has been a bit abnormal. The only thing I have a problem with is being labeled. (Guess Quotes)
I kept being told, ‘If you really want to build a start up, you have to be in San Francisco,’ so I ended up taking out a suitcase. It did occur to me to do it in London but it’s very, very difficult to build a start up in London - so I guess I was being lazy. (Guess Quotes)
I know I have a reputation that is not so flattering, but I guess I owe it to just being a private person. I don’t mean anyone harm, and I’m not being mean. I just don’t socialise much; I don’t party too much. I don’t know what to say to the media if I’m not talking about a film that I am doing, so yeah, maybe I am perceived as a snob. (Guess Quotes)
I’ve continually reminded myself that I never want to change. I could be on the cover of a magazine today, but next week someone else is going to be on that cover. You always have to remain the same person because when those opportunities end, guess what you have? You have you. And if you change from being you, you have nothing anymore. (Guess Quotes)
Love being such, or such,the normal corners of your heartwill never guess how muchmy wonderful jealousy is dark (Guess Quotes)