Guess Quotes

Text Quotes
And that was my homecoming. It was fine, I guess. Getting back feels like your first breath after nearly drowning. Even if it hurts, it’s good. (Guess Quotes)
I’m a millionaire, I guess, but I’m just a normal person and I like everybody, taxi drivers, whoever you are, to call me by my first name and talk to me on a man-to-man basis. I think the garbage collector is as important as the goddamned president. (Guess Quotes)
Publishers send me a lot of first novels because my first novel was the defining novel of my career, and I guess a lot of people want my benediction or something. (Guess Quotes)
It wasn’t conscious, but I guess that one book is the reaction to the other. The first is so imprisoned in a male point-of-view, and the second is a point-of-view that can go anywhere it wants. (Guess Quotes)
I guess it’s like trying to put through the flat tax, which is probably my favorite one of all.... if we did pass it, all of a sudden, what do you have? You have the whole tax system run by a little old lady on a home computer, doing the work of all these thousands of bureaucrats and accountants. Passing that would be amazing, wouldn’t it? (Guess Quotes)
It probably all started with The Beatles, and then I guess it goes out from there. Springsteen... Fleetwood Mac... I mean, that’s all so inherent in us that when we’re making records now, we take a lot from the artists who are around us. (Guess Quotes)
I wear my shadows where they’re harder to see, but they follow me everywhere. I guess that should tell me I’m traveling toward light. (Guess Quotes)
I wear my shadows where they’re harder to see, but they follow me everywhere. I guess that should tell me I’m travelling toward light. (Guess Quotes)
Did I get to go to my friends’ houses and eat junk food? Sure. And I’m a great cook. And, guess what? There’s no prepared food in my house. (Guess Quotes)
Guess what the Redskins have? You know, I take the bus to the games, we park in the parking lot where the visiting team parks. So I go out there after the game and they have a food truck there! And the guy comes over and he cooks food for the Redskins, and they come out to the parking lot before they get on the bus and they go to the food truck! (Guess Quotes)
My penis burns. I guess I should stop trying to put out forest fires with it. (Guess Quotes)
I guess what everyone wants more than anything else is to be loved. And to know that you loved me for my singing is too much for me. Forgive me if I don’t have all the words. Maybe I can sing it and you’ll understand. (Guess Quotes)
Right now, I’m standing behind the glass, and I guess that’s a metaphor for how my life will be going forward. (Guess Quotes)
I’ve sort of done a play every four or five years I guess if I look back in my career. And I think that’s good. (Guess Quotes)
I guess I write four or five hours a day, but I do it seven days a week. It’s very disciplined, yes, but it’s joy for me. (Guess Quotes)
Funny, for all surveillance, Osama bin Laden is still freeÂÂ-and we’re not. Guess who’s winning the war on terror? (Guess Quotes)
I want to give as many Canadians the opportunity to be successful and if we can use their athletic gifts to get them a free degree or a free diploma across the border then I guess I’m doing my job. (Guess Quotes)
I hate the idea of always having to interpret other people’s ideas and thoughts and words, because I’m very independent and, I guess, a free thinker. (Guess Quotes)
In the middle of Siberia I guess there’s a lake that big [ like the Great Lakes], but there are practically no other lakes that big with fresh water. (Guess Quotes)
I guess whatever maturity is there may be there because I’ve been keeping a journal forever. In high school my friends would make fun of me - you’re doing your man diary again. So I was always trying to translate experience into words. (Guess Quotes)
I make art primarily for myself and to show my friends so I guess it’s important to make art that they can connect to. (Guess Quotes)
When I had a full-time job, I really wasn’t that busy, but now I’m really busy. I guess that’s a good thing. (Guess Quotes)
I feel like people want to be surprised when they get out of the movies. They want something thrown at them they didn’t expect. They want stuff that reminds them of the feelings that you get when you’re watching art house movies but with the fun of like a big summer movie. That’s the goal, I guess. (Guess Quotes)
I’ve got no idea when I am going to retire. Whenever they pick me up and take me to the funeral home, I guess. (Guess Quotes)
Maybe people don’t see me as believable playing a person of today. I guess I’m just more realistic in a corset and funny hairstyles. (Guess Quotes)
I love things made out of animals. It’s just so funny to think of someone saying, ‘I need a letter opener. I guess I’ll have to kill a deer. (Guess Quotes)
[ I’m] humorist, I guess. Or really more of a reporter. A reporter who reports on funny things. (Guess Quotes)
The small amount of people that control the discourse around painting - I thought that the whole museum world was just a bunch of phonies, and I didn’t really want to have anything to do with it. I guess I did installations, in a funny way, because they couldn’t be commodified. (Guess Quotes)
I would love to travel to the future to plot out some things so there’s no more guess work (Guess Quotes)
So,uh, where am I, exactly ? And what do you plan on doing with me ? You’re at Underworld General Hospital. As you can probably guess, we specialize in nonhuman medical care. Our location is secret, so don’t ask. UGH ? Your hospital is called ‘ugh’ ? Oh, that’s precious. (Guess Quotes)