Guess Quotes

Text Quotes
You know, right now, they say - I don’t know who says this, but somebody told me - there’s three male roles to every female role. And I guess I’d work on evening that up. Making great roles for women. It’s just such a huge challenge. (Guess Quotes)
Something taken off the page can sound great, I guess. Usually it doesn’t. It seems like lately Pitchfork is trying to champion lyric writers more. (Guess Quotes)
I guess a great movie would be one that has the most great moments in it (Guess Quotes)
I’m still a great movie fan, and I guess that’s the answer to your question (Guess Quotes)
I was kind of like chasing my tail and trying to do the right thing, and was a little bit stupid. Or irresponsible, which is the same thing I guess. It’s just been really busy and I had a lot of great opportunities. (Guess Quotes)
I want to be remembered as a great player, but I guess it will be as a player who got angry on a tennis court. (Guess Quotes)
I write on a computer. On breaks, I’ll make myself green tea. I don’t want something too caffeinated. I guess I don’t believe in chemical enhancement of my writing. Just slight, but nothing crazy. (Guess Quotes)
I guess I probably took New York for granted. Growing up, playing in the street, going down to the Avenue to the record store and to the grocery store and stuff like that. (Guess Quotes)
In the end, I do have a group of friends and teachers whose opinions I respect, and so I guess I just have to be content with their feedback. (Guess Quotes)
I don’t like to think on obstacles. I guess that if you focus your mind on obstacles, they will grow bigger. (Guess Quotes)
I am capable of much more. I guess every artist feels that way. If you are satisfied, you begin to stagnate. I want to grow as an actress every day. There are so many things you can learn, and you can improve upon your skills and abilities every day. (Guess Quotes)
When you grow up without it, you want to have it. It’s funny, in America some people say, ‘Why do you want to make money so much?’ And I say, ‘Well, I guess you didn’t starve as a kid.’ (Guess Quotes)
God looks like a guidance counselor, God’s got that smile. God says, ‘How could this be? That’s really odd I guess I’ll have to check my records, silly me, you know, I’m only God.’ (Guess Quotes)
I have a lot of guitar heroes I guess, some of them are female and some of them are male. Robert Fripp is one of them, and Marc Ribot, that’s another guitar hero. (Guess Quotes)
In any moment, I guess we could whip out a guitar and start playing old school (Guess Quotes)
My guess [is] . . . that the great majority of Americans are saying they favor gun control when they really mean gun banishment. . . . I think the country has long been ready to restrict the use of guns, except for hunting rifles and shotguns, and now I think we’re prepared to get rid of the damned things entirely - the handguns, the semis and the automatics. (Guess Quotes)
I guess if you have an original take on life, or something about you is original, you don’t have to study people who came before you. You don’t have to mimic anybody. You just have a gut feeling inside, an instinct that tells you what’s right for you, and you can’t do it in any other way. (Guess Quotes)
The attitude of the actor is his interpretation of what he reads, and the written word is what creates the role in the actor’s mind, and I guess in reading the things that were given to me, I reacted as you guys saw me, you know. (Guess Quotes)
If you’re equally good as this Latin player, guess who’s going to get sent home? I know a lot of players that are home now can outplay a lot of these guys. (Guess Quotes)
Science is exploration. The fundamental nature of exploration is that we don’t know what’s there. We can guess and hope and aim to find out certain things, but we have to expect surprises. (Guess Quotes)
I guess the disc jockey thought I was trying to sing or something so ... they had fun with it. But the reality was that it was something, there was a concept behind it. (Guess Quotes)
If I think I weigh too much, I’ll lose weight; if my hair looks stupid, I’ll cut it. I guess I’m my harshest critic. I’m not easily satisfied. (Guess Quotes)
I look fine. I’ve had no surgery apart from an operation I had decades ago to remove the fat under my eyes. My mum looked 30 when she was 60, so I guess I owe it all to genes and hair dye. (Guess Quotes)
I guess that’s why they call it the blues, time on my hands could be time spent with you (Guess Quotes)
I guess we’ll never know exactly what ... the reasons behind the losses we experience in this life. But being angry doesn’t make them any less devastating. It only robs us of the happiness and love we can experience. Only forgiveness can set us free. (Guess Quotes)
I’ve always had lots of friends who share my perspective - I guess you could say that I’m a guy who aggressively pursues his happiness. (Guess Quotes)
People used to ask me how I got my jollies, and I guess I’m happy when what I’m doing is helping people and unhappy when what I’m doing isn’t helping people. (Guess Quotes)
I’m always surprised that certain actors have Twitter accounts. I guess they use it in a way that works for them. But I’d rather that people had less access to my personal life. If I could keep it that way, I’d be a happy lady. (Guess Quotes)
The thing is, I actually feel a lot more comfortable at school just bumming around with my friends than I do at Hollywood parties. But then, I guess you’re just never happy with what you have. (Guess Quotes)
It’s really hard when you break up with somebody, or somebody breaks up with you, and you’re in this band; guess who you have to see in the next day in the hotel in the breakfast room? That person. (Guess Quotes)