Gun Control Quotes
Text Quotes
I am in support of the NRA position on gun control (Gun Control Quotes)
Gun control. Requires concentration and a steady hand (Gun Control Quotes)
Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal (Gun Control Quotes)
Nothing reassures parents more than surrounding their kids with the kind of guys who have a lot of weapons and nothing to do on weekdays (Gun Control Quotes)
Firearms groups across the country have declared today the first annual Gun Appreciation Day. So don't forget to set your clock back 100 years (Gun Control Quotes)
Thousands of dead fish have now washed up on shore along the coast of South Carolina. Today the NRA said that this wouldn't have happened if those fish had guns (Gun Control Quotes)
One failed attempt at a shoe bomb and we all take off our shoes at the airport. Thirty-one school shootings since Columbine and no change in our regulation of guns (Gun Control Quotes)
People are so angry about gun regulation, you'd think they were being denied the right to marry the person they love (Gun Control Quotes)
We will never fully solve our nation's horrific problem of gun violence unless we ban the manufacture and sale of handguns and semi-automatic assault weapons (Gun Control Quotes)
Ultimately, a civilized society must disarm its citizenry if it is to have a modicum of domestic tranquility of the kind enjoyed by sister democracies such as Canada and Britain. Given the frontier history and individualist ideology of the United States, however, this will not come easily (Gun Control Quotes)
The only way to discourage the gun culture is to remove the guns from the hands and shoulders of people who are not in the law enforcement business (Gun Control Quotes)
Why should America adopt a policy of near-zero tolerance for private gun ownership? Because it's the only alternative to the present insanity. Without both strict limits on access to new weapons and aggressive efforts to reduce the supply of existing weapons, no one can be safer (Gun Control Quotes)
The great majority of Americans are saying they favor gun control when they really mean gun banishment... I think the country has long been ready to restrict the use of guns, except for hunting rifles and shotguns, and I think we're prepared to get rid of the damned things entirely - the handguns, the semis and the automatics (Gun Control Quotes)
Repealing the Second Amendment is no cause for the faint-hearted, but it remains the only way for liberals to trigger an honest debate on the future of our bullet-plagued society. So what if anti-gun advocates have to devote the next 15-20 years to the struggle? The cause is worth the political pain. Failing to take bold action condemns all of us to spend our lives cringing in terror every time we hear a car backfire (Gun Control Quotes)
Get rid of the guns. We had the Second Amendment that said you have the right to bear arms. I haven't seen the British really coming by my house looking for it. And besides, the right to bear arms is not an absolute right anyway, as New York's Sullivan Law proves. We talk about ourselves as a violent society, and some of that is right and some of it is claptrap. But I think if you took away the guns, and I mean really take away the guns, not what Congress is doing now, you would see that violent society diminish considerably (Gun Control Quotes)
Guns don't kill people, people kill people, and monkeys do too (if they have a gun) (Gun Control Quotes)
Gun control means control. It means control for the government and the government starts controlling the people (Gun Control Quotes)
I did not join the resistance movement to kill people, to kill the nation. Look at me now. Am I a savage person? My conscience is clear (Gun Control Quotes)
Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician (Gun Control Quotes)
I do not believe in people owning guns. Guns should be owned only by the police and military. I am going to do everything I can to disarm this state (Gun Control Quotes)
No matter how one approaches the figures, one is forced to the rather startling conclusion that the use of firearms in crime was very much less when there were no controls of any sort and when anyone, convicted criminal or lunatic, could buy any type of firearm without restriction. Half a century of strict controls on pistols has ended, perversely, with a far greater use of this weapon in crime than ever before (Gun Control Quotes)
We’re going to hammer guns on the anvil of relentless legislative strategy! We’re going to beat guns into submission! (Gun Control Quotes)
Without either the first or second amendment, we would have no liberty; the first allows us to find out what’s happening, the second allows us to do something about it! The second will be taken away first, followed by the first and then the rest of our freedoms (Gun Control Quotes)
We have to start with a ban on the manufacturing and import of handguns. From there we register the guns which are currently owned, and follow that with additional bans and acquisitions of handguns and rifles with no sporting purpose (Gun Control Quotes)
Maybe this is crazy, but I think the right to own a gun is trumped by the right not to be shot by one (Gun Control Quotes)
Maybe I’m a dreamer, but I wish mental health care was as easy to get as, say, a gun (Gun Control Quotes)
If a bill to ban handguns came to the house floor, I would vote for it (Gun Control Quotes)
... the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious (Gun Control Quotes)
And, I know the sense of helplessness that people feel. I know the urge to arm yourself because that’s what I did. I was trained in firearms. I’d walk to the hospital when my husband was sick. I carried a concealed weapon. I made the determination that if somebody was going to try to take me out, I was going to take them with me (Gun Control Quotes)
No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He, who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, and what he possesses; else he lives precariously, and at discretion (Gun Control Quotes)