Guru Nanak Quotes
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Text Quotes
Burn worldly love, rub the ashes and make ink of it, make the heart the pen, the intellect the writer, write that which has no end or limit (Guru Nanak Quotes)
The highest religion is to rise to universal brother hood; aye to consider all creatures your equals (Guru Nanak Quotes)
Let him avoid,the acquisition of wealth and,the gratification of his desires, if they are opposed to the sacred law, and even lawful acts which may cause pain in the future or are offensive to men (Guru Nanak Quotes)
Whatever kind of seed is sown in a field, prepared in due season, a plant of that same kind, marked with the peculiar qualities of the seed, springs up in it (Guru Nanak Quotes)
Make compassion the cotton, contentment the thread, modesty the knot and truth the twist. This is the sacred thread of the soul; if you have it, then go ahead and put it on me (Guru Nanak Quotes)
Through shallow intellect, the mind becomes shallow, and one eats the fly, along with the sweets (Guru Nanak Quotes)
Thou has a thousand eyes and yet not one eye; Thou host a thousand forms and yet not one form (Guru Nanak Quotes)
That one plant should be sown and another be produced cannot happen; whatever seed is sown, a plant of that kind even comes forth (Guru Nanak Quotes)
I am neither a child, a young man, nor an ancient; nor am I of any caste (Guru Nanak Quotes)
Alone let him constantly meditate in solitude on that which is salutary for his soul, for he who meditates in solitude attains supreme bliss (Guru Nanak Quotes)
The production of children, the nurture of those born, and the daily life of men, of these matters woman is visibly the cause (Guru Nanak Quotes)
If one of the brothers, being able,to maintain himself by his own occupation, does not desire,a share of the family property, he may be made separate,by the others receiving a trifle out of his share to live upon (Guru Nanak Quotes)
If an appointed daughter by accident dies without,leaving a son, the husband of the appointed daughter may, without hesitation, take that estate (Guru Nanak Quotes)
As a father,supports his sons, so let the eldest support his younger brothers, and let them also in accordance with the law behave towards their eldest brother as sons,behave (Guru Nanak Quotes)
Giving no pain to any creature, let him slowly accumulate spiritual merit, for the sake,of acquiring a companion to the next world, just as the white ant,gradually raises its hill (Guru Nanak Quotes)
Food sacred to the manes or to the gods must be given to a man distinguished by sacred knowledge, for hands, smeared with blood, cannot be cleansed with blood (Guru Nanak Quotes)
No calamity happens to those who eagerly follow auspicious customs and the rule of good conduct, to those who are always careful of purity, and to those who mutter,sacred texts and offer burnt oblations (Guru Nanak Quotes)
As with cows, mares, female camels, slave girls, buffalo cows, she goats, and ewes, it is not the begetter,or his owner who obtains the offspring, even thus,it is with the wives of others (Guru Nanak Quotes)
Offspring, the due performance on religious rites, faithful service, highest conjugal happiness and heavenly bliss for the ancestors and oneself, depend on one’s wife alone (Guru Nanak Quotes)
He who, having lost his parents or being abandoned, by them without,just cause, gives himself to a,man, is called a son self given (Guru Nanak Quotes)
An adopted son shall never take the family, name and the estate of his natural father, the funeral cake follows the family, name and the estate, the funeral offerings of him who gives,his son in adoption cease, as far as that son is concerned (Guru Nanak Quotes)
Yet in a kingdom containing seven constituent parts, which is upheld like the triple staff,of an ascetic, there is no,single part more important,than the others, by reason of the importance of the qualities of each for the others (Guru Nanak Quotes)
When the purpose of the appointment to,cohabit with the widow bas been attained in accordance with the law, those two shall behave towards each other like a father and a daughter in law (Guru Nanak Quotes)
If a woman abandoned by her husband, or a widow, of her own accord contracts a second marriage and bears,a son, he is called the son of a re married woman (Guru Nanak Quotes)
If the widow of a man who died without leaving issue, raises up to him a son by a member of the family, she shall deliver to that,son the whole property which belonged to the,deceased (Guru Nanak Quotes)
By twice born men a widow must not be appointed to,cohabit with any other,than her husband, for they who appoint,her to another,man, will violate the eternal law (Guru Nanak Quotes)
He,who is appointed to,cohabit with the widow shall,approach her at night anointed with clarified butter and silent,,and beget one son, by no means a second (Guru Nanak Quotes)
From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married. Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come. When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound. So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all (Guru Nanak Quotes)
Excluded from all fellowship at meals, excluded from all sacrifices, excluded from instruction and from matrimonial alliances, abject and excluded from all religious duties, let them wander over,this earth (Guru Nanak Quotes)
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