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Gutter Quotes

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We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars  (Gutter Quotes) Free grace can go into the gutter, and bring up a jewel!  (Gutter Quotes) Altruism accrues little benefit to those lying cold in the gutter  (Gutter Quotes) Like a river down the gutter roars the rain, the welcome rain!  (Gutter Quotes) I hesitate to get into the gutter with this guy  (Gutter Quotes) They found our hero in the gutter with a diamond ring and a gun  (Gutter Quotes) You gazed at the moon and fell in the gutter  (Gutter Quotes) The alleycats manipulate the blocks with gutter magic  (Gutter Quotes) Gut it is will move us from the gutter... to the rebirth of real men  (Gutter Quotes) Sex touches the heavens only when it simultaneously touches the gutter and the mud  (Gutter Quotes) We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars  (Gutter Quotes) The dog writhing in the gutter, its back broken by a passing car, knows what it is to be alive. So too with the aged elk of the far north woods, slowly dying in the bitter cold of winter. The asphalt upon which the dog lies knows no pain. The snow upon which the elk has collapsed knows not the cold. But living beings do.  (Gutter Quotes) I’m not sure it’s entirely a good thing... I’ve always loved the gutter  (Gutter Quotes) You have the American dream! The dream is to be born in a gutter and grow up, and then get all the money in the world and stick it in your ears and go THBBBBBT  (Gutter Quotes) A drunkard in the gutter is just where he ought to be, according to the fitness and tendency of things. Nature has set upon him the process of decline and dissolution by which she removes things which have survived their usefulness  (Gutter Quotes) Stay out of the gutter in your conversation. Foul talk defiles the man who speaks it  (Gutter Quotes) I despise people who go to the gutter on either the right or the left and hurl rocks at those in the center  (Gutter Quotes) The spirit is often most free when the body is satiated with pleasure; indeed, sometimes the stars shine more brightly seen from the gutter than from the hilltop  (Gutter Quotes) You could be in the gutter and fall in love with someone, and you feel great. That’s my honest opinion. I’ve witnessed both sides of that fence and being in love is where it’s at  (Gutter Quotes) The greatest issue is to raise the question of birth control out of the gutter of obscenity... into the light of intelligence and human understanding  (Gutter Quotes) [The] BBC was known as Auntie suggesting someone prudish and Victorian and that she still is on some days. On others she’s a champagne-soaked floozie, her skirts in disarray, her mind in the gutter, and the mixture can be quite wonderful  (Gutter Quotes) I need to know that wherever I end up, in the stars or in the gutter, you’re along for the ride.  (Gutter Quotes) When elites see a homeless person in the gutter, they assume he’s saving a parking place  (Gutter Quotes) I had to dance topless for two years to make cash to pay my bills and save some money. But it was very enlightening, by the way. I’m talking about light from the gutter  (Gutter Quotes) I had to dance topless for two years to make cash to pay my bills and save some money. But it was very enlightening, by the way. I’m talking about light from the gutter.  (Gutter Quotes) For someone whose goal in life was to stay unemployed, I can’t imagine what I thought was going to happen. I was so terrified of everything, I just thought I’d curl up in the gutter and die, and by a complete mistake, my life turned out to be absolutely wonderful.  (Gutter Quotes) I feel that I had been rescued from the gutter by America. One day I was under the gutter, chased by police, thinking dogs were going to get me. I laid there listening to the dogs and the gutter. The next day, there I am standing on the Olympic platform, and you hear the anthem. I was proud.  (Gutter Quotes) I don’t believe in gutter politics. I don’t believe in gutter journalism.  (Gutter Quotes) As an actor, you always have to reinvent yourself or you end up in the gutter somewhere. It’s my job to always change people’s minds. I’ve known that for a long time and I’ve had to do it.  (Gutter Quotes) Once a woman turns against you, forget it. They can love you, then something turns in them. They can watch you dying in a gutter, run over by a car, and they’ll spit on you.  (Gutter Quotes)
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