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Guy Quotes

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An actor’s a guy who, if you ain’t talking about him, ain’t listening  (Guy Quotes) Peter is an old friend. I’m heartbroken, but he’s also a tough guy. I’m counting on him getting through this very difficult passage  (Guy Quotes) I look like the kind of guy who has a bottle of beer in my hand  (Guy Quotes) I was just a big guy running down with a big, deep pocket and little short stick putting it against my chest  (Guy Quotes) You never want to be the grumpy guy, although I do have quite a grumpy face  (Guy Quotes) Tarantino is the coolest damn guy; he’s just so much fun to work with. He might be the best director I’ve ever worked with. He just seems to know how to do it and he knows how to make you feel good about it. He’s having so much fun you start having fun. You can’t help it  (Guy Quotes) I like mellow music. I like some jazz. But I’m not a big hard rock guy  (Guy Quotes) I went from a guy, kind of a working actor, a supporting player, to magazine covers and being offered the studio pictures really quickly. Nobody was comfortable with it. I wasn’t really comfortable with it  (Guy Quotes) It really comes down to the fact that, because I was perceived as a bad guy for leaving the show, I think people were rooting against the movies. That was really unfortunate  (Guy Quotes) I felt in a lot of instances I was deliberately being put through stress because when you’re a guy who generates money, people have a vested interested in controlling you  (Guy Quotes) I think every group of black guys should have at least one white guy in it  (Guy Quotes) I’m just grateful to be on this planet. I have no enemies that I know of. I’m just the guy who makes happy  (Guy Quotes) I like to rock and roll, but I’m a mushy guy, too. I want to be the guy that all the girls love and all the guys want to hang out with  (Guy Quotes) I’m getting to the point where they see me as a good actor, rather than just a good guy who can act  (Guy Quotes) Some people have questioned whether or not I can play a nice guy. Sometimes you can’t win for losing  (Guy Quotes) I was about sixteen when I discovered that music could get you laid, so I got into music boy, didn’t matter what you looked like either, you could be a geeky looking guy but if you played music, whoa, you’d get the girls  (Guy Quotes) I try not to date musicians. It’s all I’ve dated. Every guy I’ve dated is a musician. Obviously, it’s not working  (Guy Quotes) Like every other girl in the world, my most embarrassing moment had to do with a guy completely turning me down. His loss!  (Guy Quotes) God, I’m just a fat bald guy, 60 years old, singing the blues, you know?  (Guy Quotes) I’m not playing for other musicians. We’re trying to reach the guy who works all day and wants to spend a buck at night. We’ll keep him happy  (Guy Quotes) I’m quite shy, so if there’s a guy I like, I actually ignore him because I can’t speak to him. I get all red and sweaty, and it’s embarrassing  (Guy Quotes) I looked it at like this way. To get folks to like you, as a screen player I mean, I figured you had to sort of be their ideal. I don’t mean a handsome knight riding a white horse, but a fella who answered the description of a right guy  (Guy Quotes) When you’re a guy and meet a girl the first time, you do whatever it takes  (Guy Quotes) I much prefer playing the bad guys. I think they are always the most interesting characters. I liken it to painting: if you’re playing the good guy, you get three colors: red, white and blue. But if you’re the bad guy, you get the whole palette  (Guy Quotes) It’s the company itself, but most of these mutual fund companies, the guy who runs the company is just a fact totem and the guy who runs the money is the power. But we really don’t know who they are  (Guy Quotes) Well, he’s just the same guy who in other aspects of his life would be very late to a trend  (Guy Quotes) I’m a product of good nutrition, cutting edge supplementation and hard training, and I’m an old guy  (Guy Quotes) The men were all scumbags, but the whole point of the film is to show the development of that. Each guy is going in there to have a good time. By and large, these men are career men, family men, and you just see the deterioration of them  (Guy Quotes) I’m the guy to call. Look at the resume. I have kids of my own. I have dogs  (Guy Quotes) You fool around with different pitches playing catch, but it’s not the same when you’ve got to face some guy with a bat in his hand  (Guy Quotes)
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