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Guy Quotes

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I find it a turnoff whenever men aren’t into some kind of sport. And, no, video games don’t count. I dated a guy who was into video games, and I wanted to shoot myself  (Guy Quotes) Once that bell rings you’re on your own. It’s just you and the other guy  (Guy Quotes) When I hear a guy lost a battle to cancer, that really did bother me, that that’s a term. It implies that he failed and that somebody else that defeated cancer is heroic and courageous  (Guy Quotes) Well, I think it’s because I’m an only daughter. I have four brothers, a bunch of guy cousins, and so it’s like I was raised amongst men. So I’ve always gotten along really well with men  (Guy Quotes) Forget the technique. Hit the guy across from you. Don’t let somebody come in your space  (Guy Quotes) I can do something physically the other guy can’t. I know the other guy has not dedicated himself the way I did  (Guy Quotes) To catch the ball, face up, look at all of my options and then pass. I was playing hot potato. I didn’t want to be the guy to stall the triangle  (Guy Quotes) You hear about how many fourth quarter comebacks that a guy has and I think it means a guy screwed up in the first three quarters  (Guy Quotes) I try to play my game and that’s being emotional because I’m that kind of guy  (Guy Quotes) After you date a player or two it’s nice to just chill with a guy that can keep it basic  (Guy Quotes) I didn’t want my last chapter to be the guy who sits at the piano and sings love songs  (Guy Quotes) They often ask me to shoot for them. But I say no. I think an old guy like me ought not take pages away from young photographers who need the exposure  (Guy Quotes) I may be a public figure, but really, I’m just like a guy who could be in your family and have some difficult things happen to him  (Guy Quotes) Every actor will tell you it’s so much more fun to play the bad guy because usually those characters are more complex and more broad and more interesting, and have more sides to them  (Guy Quotes) Every time you play a bad girl or guy in a movie, you really come from a place of pain  (Guy Quotes) Growing up, I started developing confidence in what I felt. My parents helped me to believe in myself. I wasn’t the best looking guy, I wasn’t the best athlete in the world, but they made me feel good about myself  (Guy Quotes) I don’t read a lot of the sports, because I think people sometimes either build it up, or you have this guy that hates sports that is going to write bad about it, so I figure I’m not going to read it. Because I’m not going to let him put an idea into my head  (Guy Quotes) I’m not the kind of guy who’s taking advantage of my position  (Guy Quotes) I’ve never been one to look up the ladder. I’ve always looked down the ladder. As long as there’s one guy down there, I’m fine  (Guy Quotes) I identify with this guy’s frustration and inability to control his fury at moments. I even identify with the way that this guy covers up a lot with humour. So yeah, it’s interesting  (Guy Quotes) The guy who takes a chance, who walks the line between the known and unknown, who is unafraid of failure, will succeed  (Guy Quotes) Nobody could understand why a guy would love his guitar, then all of a sudden turn around and try to destroy it. Jimi was just different  (Guy Quotes) I’m a pretty quiet guy, but if people want to think of me as a lady killer, I guess that’s good  (Guy Quotes) Any guy that’s not working with the same amount of intensity and passion that I do, I don’t want to know  (Guy Quotes) I’m a guy who never wanted to hold a steady job, because I was worried about the monotony  (Guy Quotes) I enjoyed playing around with that guy, and it was a pleasure every three, four years, coming back seeing how the wardrobe is. Is he heavy? Is he thin? I had fun  (Guy Quotes) I played a lot of tough clubs in my time. Once a guy in one of those clubs wanted to bet me $10 that I was dead. I was afraid to bet  (Guy Quotes) Jaws was still a handsome, big guy. He got the girl. He was my favorite villain. I tried to make this guy endearing somewhat because all he wanted to do was unite his country  (Guy Quotes) I have raised beds, perennial beds, cut flower beds. I have an island on a pond that’s just covered in peonies. I have an herb garden, tons of vegetables, raspberries. I have everything. I’m a green guy  (Guy Quotes) I’m not looking for much, I just want, like, a really nice guy who has, you know, like a job... and the missing half of this golden amulet  (Guy Quotes)
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