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Guy Quotes

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I have to thank the guy who fired me because he was also the guy who hired me  (Guy Quotes) The goalie is like the guy on the minefield. He discovers the mines and destroys them. If you make a mistake, somebody gets blown up  (Guy Quotes) No one plays this or any game perfectly. It’s the guy who recovers from his mistakes who wins  (Guy Quotes) It’s hard to tell who’s going to win this week, but it probably won’t be a big, fat guy  (Guy Quotes) I’m like a chameleon. I adapt to my situation. It’s very slowed down here. I like it that way. I’m a guy that’s very reserved, quiet and shy myself  (Guy Quotes) We have a very intelligent team. I’ve had clubs that when you tell a guy to go back door, he leaves the gym. Or you tell the team you’re going to have a closed practice and eight guys don’t show up  (Guy Quotes) I was a skinny, scrawny guy. I stuttered horrendously, couldn’t speak at all. I was a very shy, reserved player and a very shy, reserved person. I found a safe place in life in basketball  (Guy Quotes) Is it adultery if I’m committing it at one end of a guy and he’s committing it at the other end of that same guy?  (Guy Quotes) I can’t go on anymore bad dates. I would rather be home alone than out with some guy who sells socks on the internet  (Guy Quotes) When it comes to being a good lover, a guy has to ask a girl what she wants and be willing to give it to her  (Guy Quotes) In life, it’s not the genetic guy who wins or the guy with the most potential who wins; it’s the person with the greatest perseverance who wins. Always be willing to get up and go at it again and again. That’s the guy who has his hands raised later in life. That’s the guy you guys need to be  (Guy Quotes) I’m thinking in my head I’d like to have five minutes alone with this guy to get some payback. But you got to keep a level head. You just got to get to the house, search, find anything you can to put these guys away and bring some justice and get some revenge for our brothers who were lost  (Guy Quotes) Recently I’ve been looking for something new. The past few projects I’ve worked on, I keep getting cast as the asshole. I promise I’m a nice guy and not the asshole that everyone keeps seeing  (Guy Quotes) Some coaches spend their time trying to get an overview of all eleven defenders. I prefer to zero in on one guy at a time to get the right clue  (Guy Quotes) You’ve got to play with that killer instinct, man. You’ve got to hate that guy across from you. Then after the game is over, tell him what a nice guy he is. Shake his hand. Especially if you win  (Guy Quotes) You structure your system to fit him if he’s going to be your guy  (Guy Quotes) The problem a guy who lies all the time faces is he never can tell when anybody else is telling the truth  (Guy Quotes) When you care about a guy beyond just the field, that’s when the chemistry becomes really special  (Guy Quotes) I’m a family oriented guy; I’ve personally started four or five this year  (Guy Quotes) I think it’s dangerous if your goal in life is to get the other guy, then you’re not going to be doing a really quality job yourself  (Guy Quotes) Reading if a man has a crush on you can be to your advantage. If you know a guy likes you, the power shifts in your favor giving you more confidence  (Guy Quotes) Rarely have I seen a situation where doing less than the other guy is a good strategy  (Guy Quotes) I have not been an easygoing guy. I think it’s called bipolar manic depression. I’ve got a rich history of that in my family  (Guy Quotes) If I get married again, I want a guy there with a drum to do rimshots during the vows  (Guy Quotes) This kid deserves anything good that happens to him. He’s such a good guy. He’s just the nicest human being you want to meet  (Guy Quotes) What’s his name? I tried to forget him because if he would have fought like he worked with my guy he would have knocked the guy out  (Guy Quotes) I’ve got to think he’s the only guy who smiled when he walked up to the podium. I love that about it and he brings that personality on the field  (Guy Quotes) I don’t appreciate the disrespect, because I’ve been playing hurt for a guy who won’t respect you. I don’t deserve it... It’s time for me to move on  (Guy Quotes) I was supporting myself, but nothing like the guy painters, as I refer to them. I always resented that actually.. we were all getting the same amount of press, but they were going gangbusters with sales  (Guy Quotes) Look at me. I’m skinny, I have a big nose, no tits and no ass, but in a room full of beautiful women, I would still leave with the most gorgeous guy  (Guy Quotes)
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