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Guy Quotes

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Am I a guy who writes about himself in a comic book, or am I just a character in that book? If I die, will that character keep going, or will he just fade away?  (Guy Quotes) I am a boring looking guy with a common face, ugly scars and a toothy smile  (Guy Quotes) If the roles were reversed, I would be saying the same thing. As a competitor, you’re tired of the same guy winning. I guess I understand where they’re coming from and what they’re saying... I don’t necessarily agree with it. I think it would be great for someone to win five straight  (Guy Quotes) I believe in destiny... what’s going to be is going to be. If I’m going to win, I’m going to win... I don’t give a damn what the other guy shoots. I’m going to win if it’s my turn  (Guy Quotes) If someone met me on a game day, he wouldn’t like me. The days in between, I’m the goodest guy you can find  (Guy Quotes) I’m a teammate guy, so whatever I can do to help my team to win like I have the past two years, that’s what I want to do. If it takes for me to play first base, third base, right field, I just want to win the game  (Guy Quotes) I’m the guy that stands out in all the crowds, so I don’t get out there and dance, but I can dance  (Guy Quotes) I don’t drink much and I smoke very little. I guess my only bad habit is robbing banks. Now you see, fellas, I ain’t such a bad guy at heart  (Guy Quotes) Small players learn to be intuitive, to anticipate, to protect the ball. A guy who weighs 90 kilos doesn’t move like one who weighs 60. In the playground I always played against much bigger kids and I always wanted the ball. Without it, I feel lost  (Guy Quotes) The justification for rap rock seems to be that if you take really bad rock and put really bad rap over it, the result is somehow good, provided the raps are barked by an overweight white guy with cropped hair and forearm tattoos  (Guy Quotes) I think empathy is a guy who punches you in the face at a bus station, and you’re somehow able to look at that him and know enough about what situation he was in to know that he had to do that and not to hit back. That’s empathy, and nothing ever happens in writing that has that kind of moral heroism about it  (Guy Quotes) If we can send a guy to the moon we can certainly go a quarter of a mile and not get hurt  (Guy Quotes) I’m not a panic guy. I don’t do that. Can’t. When you’re a leader, you can never panic, no matter what’s happening. The building could be falling down. Fire could be going all places. Somebody has to make a decision on how to get out  (Guy Quotes) Whenever I see an opportunity and a chance to change something, I go at it and I lay out all the facts to everybody. And when I come to this space, I’m going to come with talent, I’m going to come with focus. And I’m going to do the job as competitively as the next guy  (Guy Quotes) If a guy is gonna to play good bop, he has to have a sort of a bop soul  (Guy Quotes) He already knew he could coach. All you had to do was look at each of your players and ask yourself: What story does this guy wish someone would tell him about himself? And then you told the guy that story  (Guy Quotes) You’re going to feel good. But no matter how much you rehab you do, you can’t speed up the healing process. I would rather see a guy come back in 14 months and pitch seven, eight or nine more years then come back in 10 months and get hurt again. You cannot mess with mother nature and father time. Nature will heal it if you give it time  (Guy Quotes) Of course I still fancy girls but right now I’m dating a guy and I couldn’t be happier  (Guy Quotes) I was deeply uncertain of who I was and who I wanted to be. I really thought I wanted to be a much cooler guy than what I was  (Guy Quotes) I think walks are overrated unless you can run... If you get a walk and put the pitcher in a stretch, that helps. But the guy who walks and can’t run, most of the time they’re clogging up the bases for somebody who can run  (Guy Quotes) I used to think that if I made $50,000 I’d be the happiest guy in the world  (Guy Quotes) I vowed I wouldn’t ever let anyone destroy me again. I was going to work at it every day, so hard that I would be the toughest guy in the world. By the end of practice, I wanted to be physically tired, to know that I’d been through a workout. If I wasn’t tired, I must have cheated somehow, so I stayed a little longer  (Guy Quotes) You can take the guy out of the neighborhood but you can’t take the neighborhood out of the guy  (Guy Quotes) I like guys with a nice smile. I know it’s cliche, but it’s so true! I like a guy with a nice smile and nice eyes  (Guy Quotes) I am like a praying mantis, after I have sex with a guy I will rip their heads off  (Guy Quotes) The success I had as a player, or the career I had as a player, is often based on the guys you play beside, the guys you play with. Playing on the offensive line, you’re only as good as your weakest guy up front. I was blessed to play with a lot of guys for a long time  (Guy Quotes) Don’t you ever touch me. Don’t ever touch me. The last guy who touched me ended up on the ground dead  (Guy Quotes) You have to keep a little bit extra fat on the body. The strength and conditioning guy is always all over me about it, but it seems to make guys bounce off me better  (Guy Quotes) The smart guy will outsmart himself. The lucky guy will run out of luck. The money guy will never have the desire. But hard work will take you anywhere you want to go  (Guy Quotes) If you love your dad, it’s tough when he dies. If you don’t like your dad, it’s tough when he dies. Because you lose that guy. Whatever you didn’t get, you miss. And what you did get, you miss  (Guy Quotes)
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