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Guy Quotes

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I don’t recognize my former self. Like I’m on the outside looking in at my life. Who is that guy?  (Guy Quotes) I may not be the strongest guy or the most well armed, but you can put me in a room with a pencil and a piece of paper and I can kill anybody  (Guy Quotes) My father was a pimp before he became a deacon or something. These people know how to handle women. I’m the worst guy in the world with women. They run circles around me  (Guy Quotes) When I am in a relationship, I don’t wear lipstick at all. I hate the smearing, the retouching, the constant throb of phoniness as you surreptitiously check the damage in your compact between kisses. I wear lots of mascara to compensate, different colors so I don’t get bored. When I am about to break up with a guy, he has full warning because I start wearing lipstick again  (Guy Quotes) I just think a guy that knows how to play when you put him on a good team, he can be really good  (Guy Quotes) I’m not a big guy and hopefully kids could look at me and see that I’m not muscular and not physically imposing, that I’m just a regular guy. So if somebody with a regular body can get into the record books, kids can look at that. That would make me happy  (Guy Quotes) To be your best today, your only goal is to outperform the guy you were yesterday  (Guy Quotes) I lost my job, well I didn’t lose it, I know where it is, there’s just some other guy doing it now  (Guy Quotes) I know I’m not a saint, but I’m not the guy I’m made out to be by others  (Guy Quotes) You don’t wait 30 minutes before a game to tell a guy he’s traded  (Guy Quotes) I’m not always a heartbroken guy. I like to laugh, act silly, dance. There are so many more colors to me. I really can be fun  (Guy Quotes) Well, you know what? If that guy can do it, I can be myself too, and if that rapper can be himself and be free and be happy and still hold masculinity and love people and love flowers and just be happy being alive, well then, I can do that too  (Guy Quotes) I am trying to beat the guy sitting across from me and trying to choose the moves that are most unpleasant for him and his style  (Guy Quotes) Why certainly I’d like to have that fellow who hits a home run every time at bat, who strikes out every opposing batter when he’s pitching, who throws strikes to any base or the plate when he’s playing outfield and who’s always thinking about two innings ahead just what he’ll do to baffle the other team. Any manager would want a guy like that playing for him. The only trouble is to get him to put down his cup of beer and come down out of the stands and do those things  (Guy Quotes) Sparky’s the only guy I know who’s written more books than he’s read  (Guy Quotes) When one guy sees an invisible man he’s a nut case; ten people see him it’s a cult; ten million people see him it’s a respected religion  (Guy Quotes) I was walking home one night and a guy hammering on a roof called me a paranoid little weirdo. In morse code  (Guy Quotes) If the guy that writes you checks says cut your hair, off to the barber shop you go. That’s that  (Guy Quotes) I would love for people to be able to think of me as a guy who stood up for what he believed in and helped make a difference for the vets  (Guy Quotes) Read about some squirrelly guy who claims that he just don’t believe in fighting, and I wonder how long the rest of us can count on being free  (Guy Quotes) I’ve never been much of a computer guy at least in terms of playing with computers. Actually until I was about 11 I didn’t use a computer for preparing for games at all. Now, obviously, the computer is an important tool for me preparing for my games. I analyze when I’m on the computer, either my games or my opponents. But mostly my own  (Guy Quotes) If you’re an attractive guy, everyone thinks you’re successful just because of the way you look  (Guy Quotes) I think about how a guy mentally prepared himself to do battle, to go out and face the pitcher. I think so many hitters do not know how to get themselves prepared to play or hit against a pitcher. You have to mentally be prepared to hit against all pitchers  (Guy Quotes) Sportsmanship is making sure you have respect for the guy you’re playing across from  (Guy Quotes) One day when a linesman starts to laugh I swear I will hit the guy over the head with my racket. I think it will be the end of my career, but I will be happy  (Guy Quotes) Today, the media dictatorship is becoming a substitute to military dictatorship. The big economic groups are using the media and decide who can speak, who the good guy is and who the bad guy is  (Guy Quotes) What do women want? A guy they can’t drive crazy. There aren’t many around. But they try. They can’t help it, it’s their nature  (Guy Quotes) A handsome young guy is stretching his arms and waking up. He is just about to reach for his coffee and is now being wished good morning by me. Have a lovely day ahead  (Guy Quotes) There’s something about a guy who admits he’s a jerk that makes him forgiveable  (Guy Quotes) Sometimes the good guy rips out innocent people’s throats. That’s just something the world need to live with if it wants the good guy to keep saving the day  (Guy Quotes)
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