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Guy Quotes

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I just want different parts; I wanna be that guy who people mention and they don’t know who you’re talking about until you say a few movies they’ve been in and then people are amazed that it’s the same person  (Guy Quotes) Always know that if you’re not happy with yourself, no one else can change that, no girl or guy, no amount of money; only yourself  (Guy Quotes) If I’m going to get hit, why let the guy who’s going to hit me get the easiest and best shot? I explode into the guy who’s trying to tackle me  (Guy Quotes) Why does everyone think a guy who prefers love to people is missing something in his life?  (Guy Quotes) Code as if the next guy to maintain your code is a homicidal maniac who knows where you live  (Guy Quotes) I’m a happy guy, but if I’m in a rare dark mood, I won’t go out because I don’t want to be horrible to people  (Guy Quotes) I’m the guy in the crowd making fun of the hero’s shirt  (Guy Quotes) I just don’t want to cozy up to the guy whose girl I have every intention of stealing  (Guy Quotes) Whenever I go to shows, I end up looking at what shoes the guy onstage is wearing and the jacket he’s got on. And when you know everything’s gonna be under scrutiny, it makes you feel more comfortable if you have cool stuff  (Guy Quotes) My goal is not getting hit and to knock the other guy out. Some people might complain because they want to see boxers beat up on each other, but you cannot last long in professional boxing if you take a lot of punches  (Guy Quotes) That’s pretty tough talk from a guy who has fewer days at work this year than he has houses  (Guy Quotes) I hyperventilate opening a box of chocolates.I’m the most nervous guy in the world  (Guy Quotes) I’ve always turned down stuff where you had to be fat. I may be fat, but that’s not why you play a role. If the guy has to be that way, I say get somebody else because I’m not doing any fat acting  (Guy Quotes) Growing up as an amateur, I wasn’t much of a power puncher. I was more of a speed guy  (Guy Quotes) Being involved in movies is my passion. What’s gotten me off the mat is the sense of the child in all of us. I feel like the same guy as I did back in the mail room, but with more wisdom, from the depths of experience to the heights  (Guy Quotes) I see pictures of myself and I always knew that what I was feeling didn’t look like that guy in the pictures  (Guy Quotes) How lucky can one guy get? I was a runaway, and then I was in one of the biggest bands in the world. I’ve sold out every arena. I’ve sold millions and millions of records  (Guy Quotes) I never lifted a weight in my life. Why am I going to do steroids? That’s not going to do me any good. We didn’t have any weights in our clubhouse. We had one exercise bike and that was for the guy who tweaked his hamstring. And that thing didn’t even work half the time  (Guy Quotes) It sounds strange to say it, but you can be in a war zone and have a lot of fun. Even though war is essentially pain on all sides, human beings have the capacity to enjoy themselves. The soldiers are mostly young people, full of enthusiasm and energy, and that’s an exciting thing for an old guy like me  (Guy Quotes) Being a rapper is about being cool, but being a comedian, you’re not supposed to be the coolest guy  (Guy Quotes) My father was a really funny guy. He lived a good long life. And he was the reason I wanted to be funny and become a comedian and a comedy writer, so to say that he’s somewhat of a mythic figure in my life would be an understatement  (Guy Quotes) I’ve always played the guy with the gun and the knife. That’s how many actors start out, playing the bad guy  (Guy Quotes) I don’t think there is a guy that played more gay characters than I have done in my life  (Guy Quotes) I wasn’t a big guy. People thought the big guys would eat me up. But it was the other way around. I loved to fight bigger guys  (Guy Quotes) I play characters. I don’t think I really have a persona per se. I don’t play the same guy every time. I show up, you don’t know what I’m gonna do. I like it that way. I’ve intentionally tried to do it that way. I think that’s what’s interesting  (Guy Quotes) I don’t make the decision about what percentage of good guy or bad guy I play. For some reason, if I put my energy into the bad guy, that scares people. It’s magic  (Guy Quotes) The bad guy always gets the best scene and the best lines in the film, and they usually get the most days off  (Guy Quotes) I mean, I always think when you’re an actor you have to be the guy running into the burning building rather than running out of it, if you want to make some noise as an actor  (Guy Quotes) I feel like, in a lot of shows where the woman is in charge, the woman is this ball buster and the guy is sort of weak and spineless. And that’s never been my experience in a relationship. I think it’s much more interesting that the guy is the boss. And there are stakes  (Guy Quotes) For a girl, the wedding is when you’re married. For a guy, it’s when you get engaged. It takes a real aggressive human being to back out between the ring and the wedding  (Guy Quotes)
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