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Guy Quotes

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We make a great bad guy, and they all say they hate us. But at the end of every day, people want to trust us. Because we’re their government. And people trust their government  (Guy Quotes) I’m the least fanciful guy around, but on nights when I wonder whether there was any point to my day, I think about this: the first thing we ever did, when we started turning into humans, was draw a line across the cave door and say: Wild stays out. What I do is what the first men did. They built walls to keep back the sea. They fought the wolves for the hearth fire  (Guy Quotes) I’m really an animal guy. I express myself in different ways as an animal  (Guy Quotes) I’m often painted as the bad guy, and the artistic part of me wants to hand out the brush  (Guy Quotes) When good people consider you the bad guy, you develop a heart to help the bad ones. You actually understand them  (Guy Quotes) When I’m away from basketball, I’m the biggest kid. I do a good job of keeping myself sane. But on the other hand, I’m more of a solitary guy, glad to be left alone  (Guy Quotes) When you gotta go through something tough, I’ve always been a guy that just wants to get it out of the way  (Guy Quotes) The theistic philosopher has a tendency to devalue insufficient worldviews, ideologies, and quite often common sense for the greater good, and in such cases, one should not be discouraged when seen as a bad guy. If he stresses over man’s perception of a righteous heart, then he has given his heart to man  (Guy Quotes) The wrong kind of guy to fall in love with is the guy who will let go of the steering wheel as a joke. A guy who finds it amusing to make you uncomfortable, which is more common than you’d think, is someone you want to avoid  (Guy Quotes) I was the happiest guy in the world when I was on the ice. You’re being paid to play a game! That’s pretty special  (Guy Quotes) I like the fact that I can do stunts, but I don’t think of myself as a stunt guy. Those guys are really good at what they do  (Guy Quotes) You know it’s a perverted crowd when a guy is screaming at you to take your shirt off  (Guy Quotes) I try to keep my confidence on the charts, but I’m a confident guy as well. You’ve got to be that way. If you don’t think that you’re the best, then you won’t perform that way  (Guy Quotes) My dad was in the army so we moved around a lot and I changed schools every year and had to make new friends, and I found that if I was the funny guy I could do that easier  (Guy Quotes) To do a comedy team, it requires so much extracurricular stuff, so much compromise, so much intuitiveness to know what the other guy is doing. That’s why it’s so hard to do it  (Guy Quotes) I’m just a small guy so if I’d dropped any more weight it would have been a bit ridiculous  (Guy Quotes) I notice fashion on other people, I always enjoy it when people try and look their best, I’ve always been taught to try and look my best and that’s probably my main influence, I’m not looking to influence fashion anymore than the next guy, but I do try and look my best when I’m out and representing my movies  (Guy Quotes) I love playing half squid/half crab guy because you can get away with a level of acting that if you tried it anywhere else they’d arrest you for crimes against acting  (Guy Quotes) The spot paintings, the spin paintings, they’re all a mechanical way to avoid the actual guy in a room, myself, with a blank canvas  (Guy Quotes) There’s been plenty of adversity, starting the moment he was born. He had a respiratory crisis, and it was touch and go for a week whether he would survive. I think ever since, you can feel this pulse in the guy, an almost physical enthusiasm  (Guy Quotes) Somebody has to be prepared to be the good guy from time to time in order for the human race to prosper, though most people don’t want it to be them  (Guy Quotes) My relationships have been well publicised in the past but I am just a normal guy, really  (Guy Quotes) When I was a freshman in high school, my drama teacher, an incredible, inspirational genius, the guy who got me into acting, he encouraged me to get the lead in a musical. They didn’t have any guys  (Guy Quotes) Talk is free. You never know what’s going to happen after you talk. There’s always a perception about a guy until you actually sit down and talk with him  (Guy Quotes) The guy may be totally motivated, connected and inspired, but if he doesn’t know how to do it, he’s not the guy to take out your appendix  (Guy Quotes) When I was a kid, a book I read advised young artist to be themselves. That decided it for me. I was a corny kind of guy, so I went in for corn  (Guy Quotes) I don’t choose to be a common man. I want to be better tomorrow than today. And through a commitment to work and discipline, but mostly hard work. I’ll be a little more content, and a little different from the average guy  (Guy Quotes) It’s interesting what former presidents do when they leave office. Bush is now working as a motivational speaker. And if you want to be motivated, who better to turn to than the guy who invaded the wrong country and started a depression  (Guy Quotes) I happen to be kind of an inquisitive guy and when I see things I don’t like, I start thinking, why do they have to be like this and how can I improve them?  (Guy Quotes) Reagan was an exceedingly likeable guy, just a heck of a nice fellow, despite his politics. He was funny and loved a good joke, the dirtier, I’m afraid the more ethnic, the better. I don’t think he brought very much to the presidency, except charisma and success  (Guy Quotes)
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