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There’s also a subplot about a guy who manages pop groups. Dave is a very ambitious boy, and he gets offered an audition but only wants to do it on his terms and conditions. He wants to maintain his integrity  (Guy Quotes) You’re always at war with the guy on the other bench. You pick up their patterns. That’s what I got the most out of this year. I know what other coaches like to do  (Guy Quotes) I have platonic relationships with my guy friends. There’s some friends that I’ve kissed or whatever, but it was always just once  (Guy Quotes) That guy right there is the best damn roller skater ever. Maybe even in the whole town  (Guy Quotes) The problem with winning at blackjack and sports betting is that sooner or later a big guy in a suit tells you to leave  (Guy Quotes) You can’t even trade a single fart with the next guy. Each and every one of us has to live out his own life. Don’t waste time thinking about who’s most talented  (Guy Quotes) I’ve sort of gotten into the habit of looking for the vulnerable guy, the guy who makes mistakes, the guy who can’t figure things out all the time but keeps at it  (Guy Quotes) We could see that he was a charismatic guy who jumps over the moon and is very competitive, but nobody could have predicted what he would become to our culture  (Guy Quotes) I’m not trying to be the triple threat guy. I’m still working on this one threat; acting  (Guy Quotes) Americans are big boys. You can talk them into almost anything. Just sit with them for half an hour over a bottle of whiskey and be a nice guy  (Guy Quotes) I think talent is dangerous to have if you take it for granted. If you use it well and put hard work with it together, it’s hard to catch that guy. and I think that’s what you’re seeing right now  (Guy Quotes) Michael is the kind of guy who has rhythm; he has rock’n’roll in his soul, whether he really plays it or not  (Guy Quotes) Here I was, this good guy that played football; I was gonna go play in college but I had a bad senior year. But I played guitar in assemblies whenever I could  (Guy Quotes) Alan is a great guy, a terrific guy. We haven’t worked together since then, and he’s always working with different artists. I think he sees different dimensions he can see from different guys  (Guy Quotes) Lynch is not as strange as his films. He’s a complex guy with a very interesting view of the world. But he’s very accessible, with a good heart  (Guy Quotes) If you’re an attractive guy, everyone thinks you’re successful just because of the way you look. I hate that  (Guy Quotes) Even my family laughed at me because they thought this young guy who’s always stuttering in front of other people should be in front of 100 musicians and talk to them and leading them  (Guy Quotes) If I found the right guy, I think I would get married. Maybe. I just feel like it’s just a contract. why sign any more contracts, really?  (Guy Quotes) You need to become more than one type of athlete. You have to be a sprinter, a weight man and a distance guy all in one  (Guy Quotes) I went to these mixers, you know, where you’re supposed to meet people. and sure enough, some guy asked me for my phone number. But at the end of the evening he gave it back  (Guy Quotes) Only one guy can be world champion, and so if everyone else thought they were failures you’d have no one left on the grid  (Guy Quotes) As far as the anxiety, I have no idea about it. I don’t feel like I have any nervousness out there. I’m just a guy who really cares about being competitive and that’s the bottom line  (Guy Quotes) I hope somebody hits. 400 soon. Then people can start pestering that guy with questions about the last guy to hit. 400  (Guy Quotes) He’s an emotional guy, but I don’t believe what went on the field tonight outside of baseball deserves any words  (Guy Quotes) Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the back and, instead of bleeding, he sings  (Guy Quotes) I love stuff as much as the next guy, but I’ve come to understand that, regardless of the cost of acquiring it, the price of having it is freedom  (Guy Quotes) There’s a guy at the record company who’s 30, and he says, I would not listen to these songs except in this context. Somehow the recording process, the arrangements, make it more accessible  (Guy Quotes) He’s a tremendous guy. and what’s more, he’s virtually a genius in the field of management  (Guy Quotes) I don’t take reviews very seriously, but in their totality I think they are representative of how the audience feels, and of what their reaction is. There’s always one guy who doesn’t get it  (Guy Quotes) Some guy hit my car fender the other day, and I said unto him, be fruitful and multiply. But not in those words  (Guy Quotes)
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