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Guy Quotes

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I’ve never been the kind of guy to hype myself up. It’s just not my thing  (Guy Quotes) A stupid disgusting bore is a guy who has nothing to say, and nonetheless says it anyway  (Guy Quotes) I just always found it easier to be the same guy onstage as you are offstage  (Guy Quotes) Anyway, I try to be a good guy. I try to tell the truth, but I’m not religious  (Guy Quotes) I don’t really necessarily think I’m a funny guy, but I like the opportunity to take on something that I don’t feel I’m the best at doing  (Guy Quotes) I’m the kind of guy that if I don’t work out, I will get bigger and look like one of the guys who used to play sports  (Guy Quotes) The first guy who came up with the concept of religion was sitting out under a tree. I’m sure of that  (Guy Quotes) This idea that you’re a successful tough guy if you evade taxes and deceive the state has got to change  (Guy Quotes) I’m a classical type of guy. Whatever’s out at that point in time, I like it. I just put my own twist on it, and we go from there  (Guy Quotes) Maybe if they start playing new rock bands videos, then maybe but there is no point in a guy like me spending 250 grand for a video that no one is ever going to see  (Guy Quotes) There is no singing anymore, everything is yelling and shouting and rapping and that is real boring to a guy like me  (Guy Quotes) But you’ve got to understand what the other guy is about, even if at the end of the process you decide that there is no ground with this man or woman except to fight them  (Guy Quotes) What happens when the guy who runs the reactor gets out of bed wrong or decides, for some reason, that he wants to override his instruction sheet some afternoon?  (Guy Quotes) But when you actually go in the ring, it’s a very lonely and scary place. It’s just you and the other guy  (Guy Quotes) The president of the branch in Atlanta was a pastor of a church, the Reverend Sam Williams, a wonderful guy. He was middle-class and fairly militant for the time and place  (Guy Quotes) The blues are just a heightened sense of awareness of life’s ups and downs, and things that a guy sees after a couple hits of Jack Daniels  (Guy Quotes) Who do you think made the first stone spears? The Asperger guy. If you were to get rid of all the autism genetics, there would be no more Silicon Valley  (Guy Quotes) I went out with a guy who once told me I didn’t need to drink to make myself more fun to be around. I told him, I’m drinking so that you’re more fun to be around  (Guy Quotes) Jake Johnson wanted to make clear that he was the great American actor, not just the funny guy on ‘New Girl  (Guy Quotes) I once knew a guy that everyone called Trodon because his face looked like it had been trod on  (Guy Quotes) The situation in the film is like me going out to Venice Beach and talking to a homeless guy on the boardwalk, and 13 years later he’s the president  (Guy Quotes) When we were doing ‘Sports Night’ and ‘West Wing’ at the same time, I thought I was the luckiest guy in the world because my two interests were politics and sports  (Guy Quotes) It’s so funny, I’ve done so many projects where I’ve been interrogated. I guest starred on almost every hour drama, and I’m always the guy they think is the bad guy but then they find out is not  (Guy Quotes) Today, people call each other ‘guys’ - this derives from Guy Fawkes, the bomb-making terrorist. No greater tribute has ever been paid to anyone in the history of politics  (Guy Quotes) The guy who sits in front of the TV set with headphones on has lost the capacity to react to the tactile environment  (Guy Quotes) I’ve always admired the kind of guy who moves into a place and restores it. Thanks to my efforts, the guy who moves into mine will have a chance to do just that  (Guy Quotes) I’ve made a career out of playing the id: the guy that says whatever pops into his head  (Guy Quotes) I’ve actually started to drive slower. I never want to see a news headline that reads, ‘The Chinese Guy from ‘Fast and Furious’ Pulled Over for a Speeding Ticket.’  (Guy Quotes) Just like my agent had told me, Tom Brady is a really cool, down to earth guy  (Guy Quotes) I think being a character actor is exciting in that it allows you to embody completely different things, whether it’s through wild accents or a crazy bad guy or a drunken good guy  (Guy Quotes)
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