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I am 90. I can work day or night. I’m the same guy, but the polls show the effect of age. That’s the issue  (Guy Quotes) I was always falling in and out of love. I was engaged when I was 16 to the first guy I ever dated, but my father told him I was too young  (Guy Quotes) I never feel like I have anything. People can tell me a thousand times, ‘You’re the guy, you’re the guy,’ and I’m just like, ‘We’ll see when I’m on the set.’  (Guy Quotes) A lot of people believe women can’t do tech-y stuff. Becoming nerdy doesn’t have to mean the short-haired guy, but can be the woman with very long, beautiful hair  (Guy Quotes) I tried talking to a psychologist once. Two minutes in, I said, ‘Ciao!’ Never again. There’s no way, no way, I’d continue! I couldn’t buy into a single thing the guy was saying  (Guy Quotes) I know I don’t throw very hard anymore, but I’d like to think I can still hurt a guy who’s not looking  (Guy Quotes) It always makes me sad when someone comments on how much they love my work- from 15 years ago! I don’t want to be just another old school guy that fell off  (Guy Quotes) I am kind of the guy you’d expect to be driving an 18-wheeler through town  (Guy Quotes) I was in Africa once. I was in Kenya. I got off the plane, and I thought, ‘Africa...’ Some guy in a dashiki said, ‘Mr. Bundy. Oh my God, it’s you.’  (Guy Quotes) I don’t know if you can catch my vibe, but I’m a pretty laid-back guy  (Guy Quotes) I’m obviously not a guy who focuses on weight too much. But for certain jobs, you have to gain or lose weight  (Guy Quotes) I loved comedy, but I never saw myself as a sitcom guy. I envisioned myself doing an hour drama or doing movies  (Guy Quotes) The price of being a nice guy is too high - much too high - in terms of the system of justice  (Guy Quotes) I’ve always gone for the more sensitive, bookish guy, totally. The jock boys, the sporty guys, I don’t know... they just didn’t do it for me  (Guy Quotes) I cannot approach someone; I lack the confidence when it comes to the guy I desire. I’m very good when it comes to matchmaking and hooking others up. But I can’t help my own cause  (Guy Quotes) The hardest guy I had to guard: Hakeem Olajuwon. No one can guard Hakeem. And then, Kevin McHale  (Guy Quotes) Ladies seem very intrigued by a guy who is ultra confident and acts like he doesn’t need you  (Guy Quotes) I’m not the most famous guy in the world; my work is spread out across different mediums, and I never write the same kind of story and rarely even do the same character from one year to the next  (Guy Quotes) I’m an electronic guy, I’m a freak for electronic music but real instruments, the dynamic range of it, and the emotions, there’s no comparison  (Guy Quotes) Prior to ‘The Karate Kid’, I did commercials - Kool-Aid, Pepsi, milk - and I had always been cast as the all-American nice guy  (Guy Quotes) The whole thing is you don’t want to be pigeon-holed as ‘Oh, he’s a guy in a wheel chair. He’s very fragile. You better watch out.’  (Guy Quotes) But I remember feeling as a producer I felt like the guy who called the caterer and got the band; I had to work the party while everybody else was having a good time  (Guy Quotes) Because I killed a guy in real life, and because my character kills a guy onstage, they said I could never do anything this great again. I resented that  (Guy Quotes) But think of the last guy. For one minute, think of the last guy. Nobody’s got it worse than that guy. Nobody in the whole world  (Guy Quotes) You always fall for the rascal or the guy who’s got a little bit of the devil in him. You can’t help it  (Guy Quotes) Everyone has an opinion, and the guy screaming for censorship may be the next guy to have his ideas cut off  (Guy Quotes) But there’s a little guy who sits astride my brain with a whip, and if I’m away from the machine for more than a couple of hours during the day, this little guy’s lashing away  (Guy Quotes) But I would like to think that it’s the actor that makes the difference in these cases. Not the director, not the guy that wrote the book, not the guy that adapted it for the screen, but the actor  (Guy Quotes) My inner motivation is to make the world a better place; the bad guy and the good guy think the same thing  (Guy Quotes) But then you slammed a door handle into my gut. And when a girl does that to a guy; it means she likes him  (Guy Quotes)
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