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The nerds are my favourite sort of boys - any guy with a passion - whether it be physics or film or writing or poetry even, I think it’s super sweet and it’s very attractive for a female  (Guy Quotes) The second I met Zac, I thought he was a really cool guy. It’s hard not to have chemistry with someone who is so attractive  (Guy Quotes) There’s a lot of music that sounds like it’s literally computer-generated, totally divorced from a guy sitting down at an instrument  (Guy Quotes) Vince Vaughn is a genuine person, awesome guy. He’ll come to a lot of my shows. It’s not that often that you can meet someone as cool as Vince  (Guy Quotes) Yet there are some people - Steve Allen would dissect comedy forever; he’s a really funny guy, but he would love talking about comedy. I’m doing it right now and you all seem bored  (Guy Quotes) Bono is my inspiration - not only as a rock star but as a humanitarian. We aren’t just put on this earth to sell records. Maybe it’s because of my upbringing, but I do consider myself a moral guy  (Guy Quotes) When I read the script for Will and Grace in 1998, I knew I was the only guy for the part  (Guy Quotes) You’d see those movie stars on the screen, and say, ‘I want to be that guy  (Guy Quotes) Like most women, I hate when a guy tries to pick me up by saying, You are the hottest girl I’ve ever seen. It’s totally unrealistic. There are beautiful women everywhere  (Guy Quotes) I’m the guy who wrote The Authority Song. Did they think I was kidding? Did they think it was only a song to entertain?  (Guy Quotes) On my first day in New York a guy asked me if I knew where Central Park was. When I told him I didn’t, he said: Do you mind if I mug you here?  (Guy Quotes) Hopefully when you see the movie, maybe you don’t have the Orlando in your life, but you know that guy. He goes to church. He’s down the street. He’s one of the boys at the schoolyard. They exist  (Guy Quotes) When I started studying tenor saxophone as a kid in Belfast, I did so with a guy named George Cassidy, who was also a big inspiration  (Guy Quotes) A guy friend and I went to California Pizza Kitchen, and a group of pretty girls came over to us and said, ‘You guys are gay, right  (Guy Quotes) Lance Armstrong is the guy that I would put up there as one of my heroes. He’s done something that no one else has done and when you put into it what he overcame, it’s absolutely unbelievable  (Guy Quotes) I’d just gotten into Los Angeles from Texas, where I live, and the phone rang and it was the guy calling about the Willie Nelson video. I was totally excited about it  (Guy Quotes) Who says I’m gonna marry another guy? In Europe it’s not like in America, where you set a date  (Guy Quotes) I think of myself as a funny guy but nobody thinks I’m funnier than my daughters  (Guy Quotes) I’m the kind of guy who can’t keep a plant alive for a week, let alone a relationship  (Guy Quotes) I’m not a tough guy. I’m just delivering the truth and only the truth and if you can’t deal with it, too bad  (Guy Quotes) I knew I was a good stage actor but I had no idea about movies. And I wasn’t a Paul Newman type of guy. That’s why I thought the stage is just right for me  (Guy Quotes) If you’re looking for the safe choice, you shouldn’t be supporting a black guy named Barack Obama to be the next leader of the free world  (Guy Quotes) I’d got to that age when I was out on a date with a guy and I would be thinking: Don’t mention your age, don’t mention that you want a child - because they would just run out the door  (Guy Quotes) I wanted to play a good guy after doing this lunatic on The Sopranos for two years. And then they did the sequel to Bad Boys, where I get to play the barking captain again  (Guy Quotes) I’m a sensitive guy. If you are a woman and you’re in any kind of emotional duress and you write a song about it, I’ll buy you album  (Guy Quotes) Some women have said, ‘Gee, here I am getting involved with this fat guy, what will people think of me?’ But they were converted and sometimes surprised  (Guy Quotes) First and foremost, when I think of him - I’m prejudiced; I worked for the guy for six and a half years - when I think of him, I think of him first and foremost as an idea politician  (Guy Quotes) I like a guy who makes me laugh, doesn’t care about the fame, the show, he just likes me for me, he likes Nicole  (Guy Quotes) I’m the character actor in Hollywood movies, the girl who has to be annoying so the guy can go to the other girl  (Guy Quotes) I think that it is important for people to understand that whether a good - guy or a bad - guy wins a case is less important than what the law is that the case results in  (Guy Quotes)
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