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I went out there for a thousand a week, and I worked Monday, and I got fired Wednesday. The guy that hired me was out of town Tuesday  (Guy Quotes) Some guy hit my fender, and I told him, ‘Be fruitful and multiply,’ but not in those words  (Guy Quotes) In Bosnia, little children shot in the head by a guy who thinks it’s okay to aim his gun at a child  (Guy Quotes) There’s this perception sometimes around here that I’m this Hollywood guy  (Guy Quotes) At the end of the day, you want to be always the one that’s one step ahead of everybody, and when it comes to hip-hop, culture and art, you want to be that signature guy  (Guy Quotes) I’m the guy who gets uncomfortable. That’s why I was able to write ‘The 40-Year-Old Virgin’ and ‘Knocked Up.’ I believe in those guys  (Guy Quotes) I got off on the fact that a guy would be so into me from the get - go without really knowing me. That’s probably why I had so many bad relationships  (Guy Quotes) As an actor I’m part of a long line of character people you can take back to the silent movies. There’s always the little guy who’s the sidekick to the tall, good-looking guy who gets the girl  (Guy Quotes) The guy who owned that island was from Oregon and he decided that he wanted to have an Oregon feeling to it, so he planted pine trees all over the place  (Guy Quotes) Jimmy Garner is a very gracious guy, as he was then and he is still today  (Guy Quotes) I am not a spiritual guy, but all of a sudden I felt the need to really feel things  (Guy Quotes) President Obama insists hes a free-market guy. But you have to wonder whether he understands how a free economy really works  (Guy Quotes) I’d been trying for a while to get parts that weren’t just the English bad guy, so it was quite refreshing to be playing someone who was a compassionate, decent guy  (Guy Quotes) We then went through the audition process and picked a guy named Richard Campbell and he is no secret to L. A. Players as he was with Natalie Cole for years and Three Dog Night  (Guy Quotes) I was the guy that told Bill Clinton he was going to win. I had gotten the final polling numbers. He had a comfortable lead. He was not going to lose  (Guy Quotes) Most politicians, when they meet with a guy like me, or a guy like Carville, tell you about how they can win  (Guy Quotes) Rough Riders took 13 weeks to shoot, plus a week of training. The same guy trained us trained the cast in Platoon. Except, instead of radios, we used bugles to signal  (Guy Quotes) Guys just don’t care. We don’t take the time to plan behind each other’s back. We just say, If you don’t like me, screw you’. If a guy doesn’t like you, you know because you have a black eye  (Guy Quotes) There’s sort of an open offer to work with a guy in Los Angeles who does big band and orchestra arrangements who was at least an acquaintance to Les Baxter before he passed away  (Guy Quotes) I picked and co-wrote the songs that if I was a guy who would be spending my hard-earned money buying an album I would want to hear  (Guy Quotes) As far as playing, I didn’t care who guarded me - red, yellow, black. I just didn’t want a white guy guarding me, because it’s disrespect to my game  (Guy Quotes) The one thing that always bothered me when I played in the NBA was I really got irritated when they put a white guy on me  (Guy Quotes) I went to work with a guy named Matt Fuller, who was a Mothers fan, and low and behold, arthur was working for him also. We worked together for about six months and decided to strike out on our own  (Guy Quotes) When some guy shows up with a shopping bag full of records and CD’s and wants me to sign every one plus fifteen pieces of blank paper I wonder what the hell is he doing with all of that  (Guy Quotes) I’m very much inclined to be a next-chapter guy instead of a last-chapter guy  (Guy Quotes) I ignore Hallmark Holidays. And this comes from a guy who has sold a million Opus greeting cards  (Guy Quotes) Show me a guy who’s afraid to look bad, and I’ll show you a guy you can beat every time  (Guy Quotes) Steadman! Any guy that’s got Oprah as a girlfriend, I mean that’s a good dude. I want to talk to him  (Guy Quotes) He was a silly guy. Out - do the other guy. That was his effort at all times  (Guy Quotes) I remember having an argument with Alan, I said the Queen’s not just going to call the guy up and send him out to do it. and Alan says, well, how would a monarch give orders to her assassin  (Guy Quotes)
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