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I really liked working with Sean Paul; he is a very attractive guy, very hot. He was fun; the chemistry was really great, it was great to be in the moment  (Guy Quotes) I got to have a TV show that really was the talk of the nation for a while there. So I’m a very lucky guy  (Guy Quotes) Never ask what sort of computer a guy drives. If he’s a Mac user, he’ll tell you. If not, why embarrass him?  (Guy Quotes) I guess it kind of stemmed from my father. He was a union guy working for the meat plant down in Kansas City. He was a union guy, and I guess it was just in my blood  (Guy Quotes) Muhammad Ali was the kind of guy you either loved or hated, but you wanted to see him. I happen to really love him. He brought boxing to another level and always made you laugh  (Guy Quotes) I think I’m a decent-looking guy. Sometimes I can look great, and other times I look horrifying  (Guy Quotes) There are certain actors you watch in a movie, and you think, ‘Wow, that guy is very skilled  (Guy Quotes) No self-respecting gay guy would have ever made some of the hair and clothing choices I am still trying to live down  (Guy Quotes) If people see me in some sort of niche, then that’s fine. As long as it’s not The Naked Guy, I don’t care  (Guy Quotes) I’m a lucky guy. I get to sit around every day and indulge in make believe and get paid for it  (Guy Quotes) Bill Clinton is a liar, a perverted kind of a guy anyway, and he is always stroking black folks rather than telling them the truth  (Guy Quotes) Two guys enter the cage and only one comes out the winner. It gets you pumped because you know the other guy is trying to finish you and you want to finish him before he gets his chance  (Guy Quotes) I am very ambitious in a way, in that I’m not trying to be the richest guy or whatever. I just really like my work  (Guy Quotes) I’d like to rid myself of writing, to surrender, to release the venom. And hopefully at some point, I’ll be a happy, well-adjusted guy and I’ll have no need for all that ‘art.’  (Guy Quotes) I’m not trying to say I’m a big tough guy, I’m a typical American waist deep in this violent culture  (Guy Quotes) I wouldn’t necessarily want to be a big muscular guy. It’s nice to be gorgeous whether you’re male or female assuming you don’t lose whatever else you have  (Guy Quotes) I’ve always had lots of friends who share my perspective - I guess you could say that I’m a guy who aggressively pursues his happiness  (Guy Quotes) I don’t consider myself to be a media guy. It just happens to be that I’ve had opportunities in the media. I don’t consider myself to be on a career path. I’m just a Christian and a Catholic priest  (Guy Quotes) I’m not a film-school guy. I was a high-school dropout. I was on a nuclear submarine. I was an electrician. I was a house painter. So if you get in my face, I’m going to fight you  (Guy Quotes) The thing that’s interesting about wire walking is that we never get to see it other than looking up. It’s like a circus thing. It’s a guy on a wire  (Guy Quotes) I’m not a comic book character. I’m not Indiana Jones or Bond, I’m a flesh and blood guy who is ageing and changing. I don’t have to do what I did in 93. I couldn’t do it and thank God  (Guy Quotes) Awards movies are normally sort of... life-affirming and noble. It’s probably too much of an intellectual conceit and, you know, people don’t like it when you don’t lead the bad guy off in cuffs  (Guy Quotes) Today the sort of thing for a guy in England growing up is that you have to suppress all your emotions. It’s almost like you have to sit back and be cool  (Guy Quotes) I’ve just been to the Taj Mahal which I’d never been to and I’m not a very romantic kind of guy but it is the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen  (Guy Quotes) The truth is, I’m a character guy. That’s how I see myself. I always see the role as being far more interesting and important than I am... not all actors approach it that way  (Guy Quotes) It’s my first sort of commercial attempt, but it made sense for me because I’m not that kind of guy and I’m not going to continue to do that kind of movie  (Guy Quotes) Killing a guy and stealing his wife and child isn’t too nice a thing to do  (Guy Quotes) I’m not the comic of the generation, I’m not even the funniest guy in my family  (Guy Quotes) I’m strictly a one-project-at-a-time kind of guy. If I came up with a compelling idea for a different book while working on a project, I’d probably abandon the first project and go with the new idea  (Guy Quotes) If you want someone to grab a beer with, I may not be that guy. But if you want someone to drive you home, I will get the job done and I will get you home  (Guy Quotes)
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