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I go to goth clubs dressed as a frat guy so I can stand around and look terribly uncomfortable. At frat parties I do the same thing, but the other way around  (Guy Quotes) It’s a lot of power to give the director to edit his own stuff. It’s also a time thing: you don’t want to have to wait for the guy to finish shooting before he starts editing  (Guy Quotes) I’m just a regular guy. I want people to realize that I embody the true American dream. I work hard. I went to school  (Guy Quotes) In person I don’t have that many friends. I’m a pretty tight-knit guy with the people that I know. Offline, I have no more than four or five friends  (Guy Quotes) Hollywood loves to pat itself on the back and espouse their rhetorically liberal points of view while they continue to be the 1 percent and point the finger at the other guy  (Guy Quotes) I love my cross-sectioned, cross-cultural audience. Some of them are doing better than the average guy, but my audience has always been people who are struggling to stay in the middle class  (Guy Quotes) I’m just one guy. I can’t bring the whole league closer to the fans  (Guy Quotes) Like I have said all along, I have the best doctor of all, and that is God. You can’t argue with a guy like that  (Guy Quotes) I’m not coming in to teach and play the big veteran guy. I’m coming in to win games  (Guy Quotes) When you get to the big leagues, you need to take potential and turn it into performance. You want to be the guy who got the most out of his ability, not the guy who never fulfilled his potential  (Guy Quotes) I’ve definitely always wanted to be the guy they tell, ‘Here’s the ball. Go do it.’  (Guy Quotes) I don’t ever want to be an average fourth starter. I want to be the big guy  (Guy Quotes) A guy like myself wants to make a play and be the difference, but the thing is I have to keep saying to myself to just do what I can  (Guy Quotes) I wish Elton Brand the best. He’s a great guy. He’s always going to be a great friend of mine, regardless of what goes on  (Guy Quotes) I’m just going about my business. Am I going to bend over backwards to assure everybody that I’m a good guy? No, I’m not going to do it  (Guy Quotes) I am a big guy and happen to play a position that requires you to be relatively quick. I can’t let up now. I have to work every day to be better next year  (Guy Quotes) I love Denver. There’s not a better place to hit, better place to play. I’m a West Coast guy, so I like playing in the NL West  (Guy Quotes) It’s the best feeling in the world . The game’s on the line, and you’re the guy in the spotlight  (Guy Quotes) I’m not comfortable being that outgoing guy. That’s not me. I never used to talk to anybody  (Guy Quotes) This guy [Tyson Fury] really wants to prove himself in the ring and confirm what he keeps telling everyone, that he’s the best in the world  (Guy Quotes) I can empathize with President [George Bush]. I know what it feels like having a young guy waiting around for you to keel over  (Guy Quotes) I’m not a real smart guy. But I’ve got enough brains to realize that when I’m 60 years old and play a sport, that it’s downhill  (Guy Quotes) I consider myself a pretty hardworking guy and I like to play hard, play physical and play well defensively too  (Guy Quotes) You’ve got to think ahead from what you’re about to say. I might be mad at some guy but if I say what’s on my mind, it’s probably not going to be good  (Guy Quotes) I’ve been a big music guy for a long time and a lot of my books have music in them so I like music analogies  (Guy Quotes) When I had a boxing match, all I wanted to do was put the guy on his back. That’s why I chose to chase after MMA  (Guy Quotes) I think that it’s always great for any actor to play somebody who breathes and lives and is just a regular guy and has faults like we all do  (Guy Quotes) Bruce Lee was the first guy to bring film recognition of Asian men not being wimps, so it made me want to be as powerful as he was  (Guy Quotes) You can’t just replace someone with a regular-looking guy who didn’t say any of the lines  (Guy Quotes) This is a tried and true genre directed by a guy who’s famous for character work. This could take a genre picture and lift it and elevate it. That was my thinking  (Guy Quotes)
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